Sunday, November 16, 2008

No Catchy Title...Brain Freeze!

Hi ya'll!!

Just wanted to let you know that we made it safe to PA. Shane flew into London, England and arrived around 9 am. Well...I'm assuming he did because I haven't heard from him and probably won't until he is back on American soil. I didn't hear of any plan crashes or terrorist attacks so I'm assuming he is fine. Whew!!!

We got in around 9 pm Friday and since then (it is now Sunday night) I've made three trips to Walmart. All were around an hour and a half...each.

I'm stranded without a vehicle and am BUUUUUMMMMMMEEEED. I'm dying to go to Target and a few of my favorite gifty stores.

It's snowing like a maniac here! There is a snow advisory calling for a foot of snow. Since it started snowing (around 5) we have got almost six inches. Did I mention that my home is in a snow belt? Yeah, we have lake effect weather. Eee gads. I'm not ready for this!

I wanted to leave you with some pix but again am having problems with Blogger. My tool bar that allows you to add hyperlinks and photos and such is gone. G-O-N-E, gone. Any ideas what could have happened? Or how I can upload pix? Gah. I'm off to go search the Blogger help forums for all of 13 minutes. Desperate Housewives will interupt my search. Have I mentioned that I am ADDICTED to this show??

Happy Sunday, ya'll! Here's to hoping that you don't have to unburry your car from the snow tomorrow!

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