Thursday, February 12, 2009


Here is the project I have been working on.

New containers to hold my crafting tools. One will be for Pens, one for Brushes, and one for Scissors.

Do you know what they once were?

Plastic popcorn containers from the Dollar Store!

I just loved the scalloped edge.

I still need to make a little circle nametag inside of the scalloped tag. Gonna either find me some cute rub-ons or will just print something off the computer. I'm redoing my craft room and relocating it into my laundry room. Makeover city people! I've finally decided to go with my gut and make the color scheme pink and brown. Oh how I love that combo. I even used it as my wedding color scheme. Look for more updates on this makeover in the next few months!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Cute containers--I want to look for some at the dollar store now!

  3. I love these!!! What a great idea! You're so creative!

  4. These are so cute and easy - thank you so much for the idea! :)

  5. These are gorgeous, what a great idea! TFS :o)

  6. How adorable!!! I wish my dollar store had these, such a great idea!!

  7. OHHH so cute! Great idea. cherry

  8. What a cute idea!! You know, I have seen those popcorn containers and I would never have thought that in a million years!

  9. Very clever, it is amazing what we can find to serve a purpose other then the original intent. I love the dollar stores, and also our local CVS stores, have just those little things tucked away on the shelves, IF ONLY we look and have an imagination ;>) !!

  10. Those are really fun! I would have never thought to do that.

  11. AH HA! I can finally comment!
    I am loving these guys - what a clever idea. It looks like you put a lot of time and thought into these.
    Coming to do my disaster area next? Ummm I mean my "craft" area :S
    Happy Valentines Day!

  12. Oh Mandi, those are SO CUTE!! I would have not seen the potential that you did. Can't wait to see your craft room. I love the pink and brown scheme too.

  13. Wow! Those are so cute. You are crafty girl. I've been reading your latest posts since I found your blog through Holly's post about your giveaway. I'm for sure going to take some pointers from you on decorating/organizing/crafting!


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