Friday, April 24, 2009

Beauty Finds for Cheap

I love beauty products. I'm a beauty product junkie of sorts. When I walk into a store like Sephora it's like the heavens open up and I hear angels singing. It's glorious. I love the shimmer of eyeshadows. The glisten of a gloss. The beauty of dark black eyelashes. Love it! Sometimes I wish I had become a makeup artist. But alas, I'm a makeup artist trapped inside of a stay-at-home-wife's body.

But here's where the real trouble begins. I find that I my love of beauty products is hampered by my wallet and the lack of funds inside of it. So let me share with you some tips that I use and products that I love to give you a little glitz without spending a lot of cash.

1. It's coming on those warmer months and we need to lighten up our makeup load. Think lighter eyeshadows or even none at all. Glosses instead of dark lipsticks. Dropping the eyeliner. But how do you lighten up on your foundation especially if you need the coverage? Well, try this trick.

Instead of purchasing a tinted moisturizer, use a dab of your own liquid foundation and mix it with a dallop of your own mouisturizer. Mix the two together on the back of your hand. The warmth of your hand will help to meld the products together. Apply to your face and smile because you just saved yourself some money while getting the benefits of a foundation you love and a mouisturizer you already have. Give yourself a pat on the back if your mouisturizer has an SPF in it.

2. I love a good facial cleanser. I wear makeup everyday and loads of mascara (I told you that I love makeup!) so I need something that is gentle on my skin but powerful enough to wash away the days makeup. I found an amazing product that retails here in Canada for $3.77 (at Walmart). It is St. Ives facial cleanser. More apptly called "St. Ive's Pure Pore Cleanser". This product is so incredibly powerful that I do not need to remove my mascara before using it. But so gentle that my skins feels wonderful after using it. I just recommended it to my sister-n-law and brother-n-law. They bought it and haven't heard any complaints yet. In fact, I would choose this product over a more "expensive" brand.

3. Speaking of St. Ives...I love their products in general. I've been using them for years and love the inexpensive pricetag and the quality of the product. Here is another item that I love. Facial masks. In this tough economic time, I doubt many of us are rushing to the spa to have a facial. Even when times were good I wasn't rushing there for a facial! I tend to like to do them at home. I use St. Ives and Freeman facial masks. There are wonderful clay masks (greens and purples and blues) and masks that you spread on your face and then peel off. Oh my can that be some cheap fun. Here is what I recommend doing:

Masks work best if you follow a routine. Whether that is a mask once a week or try this tip from a Mary Kay rep that I know - do your masks on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. It's an easy schedule to remember. [Facial masks are gentle on your skin so that kind of schedule shouldn't be too much but if it is, try just the once a week approach.] Cleanse your skin thoroughly with warm water. Then apply the facial mask avoiding the eye area. Smooth up to hairline and down onto the neck. You can even use it on your chest but doing so may make you just have to stay in the bathroom for awhile unless you are home alone. Follow product instructions as far as wait times. When ready, wash skin thoroughly. Splash cold water on face to close pores. Then follow through with a mouisturizer. You will be amazed at how wonderful your skin will feel with a product that costs under $5.

4. I recently ran out of blush but money was tight and I didn't want to spend seven or eight dollars on a new one. So, I went for this product. N.Y.C. Blendable blush. It is a mix of different colors and shades just like many other expensive brands but for a fraction of the price. I absolutley love the color that it gives me and the price tag. It was $4.53. The great thing about this too is that there was a bronzer with the multi-faceted pallete as well. Can't wait to get that too!

5. I have long said that if I were ever famous, I would want to endorse this next product. It is Wet n Wild nailpolish. I love love love this product. And though I am not famous I do want to recommend this product to you. There are many many many wonderful colors to choose from as well as finishes and drying times. I can't even begin to tell you the quality that I have found in Wet n Wild polishes. I would honestly compare their long lasting quality to a Sally Hansen nail polish. Just use like you would like doing a manicure with a more expensive brand...start with clean, polish free nails. Paint. And add a clear top coat. I promise you will like this product. Well I hope you do anyways! And at less than $1 per bottle try a number of colors!

[On their website I see that it was a CosmoGirl Kiss of Beauty award winner in 2006.]

6. Speaking of giving yourself a manicure, why not give yourself a pedicure at home? Last year I got my first pedicure in a salon. It was AMAZING and I will definatly be going back. Great experience. Highly recommend that you get a pedicure even if it's just at the begining of sandal season. But, if you can't afford it, try this at home wonder.

Get yourself a large basin. I bought one for $1 at the dollar store. Heat some water in a kettle on the stove. Don't boil! Just warm it. Add a drop or two of your favorite shampoo to your basin. Now add the warm water. Test water first before plunking in your tootsies. Now settle in for a wonderful foot bath. [I really like to take this over the top by snuggeling in my pink robe, a face mask and watching a good movie.] What a wonderful treat! You can do this while hanging out with your family in the evening. It truly is a great experience. And I just bet that if your kiddos and hubby see you doing this, they will want a foot bath too! My husband always does!

Don't forget to paint your pretty peds with your Wet N Wild nail polish! Try a vibrant pink.

7. The product that I can't get enough of is baby oil. Can you say....CHEAP? And what a multi-functional product! I bought a bottle of baby oil at the dollar store three years ago and am still using it. I use it every day too. How you ask? Well, it is my number 1 and only way that I remove my mascara. I've said it before, but I wear three mascara's to give me my look. And you better know that trying to remove them sometimes can be a bear. But baby oil is wonderful, gentle and with a few quick swipes, I am mascara free. Baby oil also removes lipstick - especially the long wearing kind. Did your kid put on one of those fake tattoos and you just hate it? Baby oil will take it right off. The oil is also a wonderful moisturizer. Add a few drops to your foot bath or your bath water. Your skin will thank you. Or, rub it into the ends of your damaged hair. And lastly, here is a tip that my sister in law does for gorgeous, soft skin:
Take a warm shower. When you are done, spread a thick layer of baby oil all over your skin. Allow to absorb for at least 15 minutes. If at the end of your time there is still some oil, spread it into skin or wipe off gently with a towel. How delicious is that?!
8. And finally, let's not forget the joy of a bath. When you've got wonderful smelling soaps and shampoos and lotions and potions, sinking into a warm bath at the end of a long day can be so luxorious. Light a few candles. Lower the lights. Turn on some soft music. Sink in with a wonderful book and enjoy those moments to yourself. The important thing is to remember to take time for you. We're all working hard at our life, doing the best we can to make ends meet and to live and love fully. Sometimes things just get a little too taxing but we can't put ourselves on the back burner. A good leader takes 50% of his time to take care of himself. As a leader in your household, remember to take time for yourself. You deserve it. You've earned it. Don't deny yourself.

Finally, I want to tell you about my friend's new blog. Tutu Tina is her online name and she's got a blog full of info on makeup. There are product recommendations and suggestions as well as information on different companies. I'm hooked! So pop on over. Tell her Hi and sit a spell. She's got some really inexpensive suggestions.
Hope everyone has a wonderful day!! You all are the best.
Did you know that? You are!!
Love ya all!!


  1. Never tried baby oil to remove mascara.. but since I have leftover ;) I might just go and give that a try.. thanks!

  2. Mandi thank you for the shout out to my blog! Isn't she the greatest? I want to personally welcome all you lovely ladies to join my new blog family. Looking forward to meeting you all!

  3. You've gone and done it again girl. Thanks for the tips. I am going to try mixing the moisturizer and foundation because I tried my Mom's tinted foundation and loved it. Also, in that picture of the toe nails, is that food in a pond with a snake or was I seeing things?

    FYI -- I am SO in love with your blog. I think we would be GREAT shopping partners if we lived close.

  4. Mandi, great post and thanks for the tips for make up. Now that I'm not working, don't use as much, but love something that's inexpensive, works and looks good. You have such great tips,, start a newsletter will ya! I will check out your friends site as well. Always a great day to hear from you.

  5. Thanks for the tips! I use St. Ives scrubbing stuff but I have not tried the cleanser. Now I will have to get some!

  6. Mandi - this post has caused me to want to stay home and pamper myself! Thank you! :)

  7. Great tips! Thank you so much for sharing and stopping by today!

  8. Hey friend! Missed your blog while I was gone. As always I see you have been up to your savvy ways. Love all these ideas and I will have to try these tricks! Thanks for sharing with the rest of us.

  9. Love it! That blush looks awesome-- I'm definitely gonna look for that!

    The grim reaper on my Mom's cake was a bit cryptic huh?! Crazy! Not what I imagine for a 50 year old WOMAN! lol Hope you had a great weekend!


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