Thursday, July 30, 2009

Summer Movies and a Coupon

I mentioned in my last post that it has been raining non-stop here. I have to admit that I do so love it when it rains and I'm tucked away indoors. I throw open the windows and smell the delicious rain smell. I love the sound as it beats down on the pavement. When it rains I like to spend time in my kitchen baking or puttering around my house. Now, it's a whole other story if I have to be out in the rain. Then, I'm not so happy. I care far to much about my hair to enjoy running around in the stuff.

Besides puttering around my house, I've been watching "summer" movies. If I can't actually enjoy the sunshine, at least I can watch it on TV. I am a major nostalgic type movie watcher. What I mean is that I love to watch movies that remind me of my childhood or take me to places of long ago....aka...old movies. Or, old-er movies. Here is a list of some of my top summer movies. If you get a chance, check out a few. I'm sure you'll love them!

Shag - The Movie

When I was in high school, my best friend and I would watch this movie every weekend. We'd enjoy it with snacks, subs and always orange pop. In fact, when I moved away to college, she gave me the VHS copy of it that we always watched. I've since purchased the DVD. This movie is about four girls who go on a summer vacation to the Carolina's. Each girl is sooo different and the movie takes you through their adventures. Total summer flick!! Part of the movie centers around a shag dance contest that takes place. One of my all time favorite movies. (And despite the b&w photo, the movie is in color.)

Dirty Dancing

My all time #1 favorite movie. Can't get enough of it! How can you not have a summer movie list without this flick? Gotta love the dance moves, the love story, and the great music. I have the soundtrack on my ipod. Just can't get enough of it!

"I carried a watermelon." My favorite line!

The Parent Trap - The Original

This movie is so darn cute. I'm such a sucker for that old time summer camp experience. When I was little, I went away for a week to summer camp. Loved every bit of it. I especially liked how my mom tucked away a little gift for each day that I was away. I still have one of them! (It's a little book marker card that has a bear on it that says something about how all things are bearable with Jesus. Summer of '93.)

On Golden Pond

Another one of my favorites. "Norman, you old poop!" I remember watching this movie a few times with my dad. Again, another one of those movies that is nostalgic. I love to watch it and look at the rustic cabin the old couple lives in. I also fell in love with the sound of loons watching this movie. This one may tug at your heart. It does mine!


Ok, this one may not totally scream summer...but it all does take place in the summer. I love to watch this movie. I absolutely love the "bazaar" scene - especially when Pollyanna eats that giant piece of cake. Yumm! This is such a feel good movie.

And because you stuck through, here is a coupon for Old Navy, GAP and Banana Republic. They are having a 30% off sale - this includes clearance merch. The sale starts today and runs to August 2nd. The great part is they donate 5% of your purchase to charity. Can't beat that! Oh yeah, you can print the coupon numerous times. So get to spending!!

I'm coming back sooooon with the next installment of the kitchen organization series. I just haven't been home much due to this hot water tank breakdown. Thanks for being so patient with my sporadicness. Love you all!!


  1. I've never seen the Shag one, but I agree about all the others! I bought the Dirty Dancing Ultimate Edition DVD with the Patrick Swayze music video. lol.

    I got a chance to see Dirty Dancing on stage in Toronto last October. Fantastic.

    I'm glad (sorry) to hear that you are having as much rain up there above Georgian Bay as we are having under it!

  2. I love those movies.. Parent Trap for sure.. I use to want to go to camp and live in that house they had in was great.. open and airy. Even then, looked at the house and the design. I've never seeh Shag the movie,,I'll have to look on Netflix and see if I can find it!

  3. Thanks for the coupon! And the trip down memory lane. Dirty Dancing was one of my favorite movies for many years, along with Steel Magnolias. Do you like that one, too?

    Too bad Canada is such a long way from Florida. It would be fun to eat popcorn together and watch some movies :)

  4. Love this post! I laughed out loud when I read that you "care far too much about your hair!". I just watched the Parent Trap (the Disney one lol) a few days ago...I so didn't know they had an older version!

  5. I love Dirty Dancing and watch it every time it comes in TV. I also have it on DVD, of course! I like to be all cozy inside my house too when it's raining outside.

  6. awww...good times!

  7. I have never even heard of Shag. I'll have to look around for it.

    My favorite part of Pollyanna was when she was eating the cake too! To this day I love yellow cake with chocolate frosting because of that scene.

  8. What a great way to spend a rainy day indoors!

  9. Dirty Dancing is my wifes favorite movie of all time and we just about know every single line of it because she wants to watch it so much! LOL NOBODY puts baby in a corner.

    I noticed that you dont follow us at The Fort anymore, I hope that we didnt do anything to upset you in anyway. My apologies for not visiting in a while, we have had so many things going on with suregeries and the like. Summer has just benn crazy.

    Love and Prayers,


  10. i LOVE shag!

    love love love it.

    have you ever seen drop dead fred? if you had an imaginary friend when you were a kid, you'd love it!

  11. Mandi, what a great movie selection! Shag is one of my all time favorites! Oh and mystic pizza too!

    Hey, I'm having my first giveaway today...come check it out!


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