Monday, March 15, 2010

I Was Featured!

Happy Monday ya'll! Is anyone still recovering from Day Light Saving's Time? I am! Raising both hands! We had a super late night on Saturday so it didn't bode well for loosing an hour on Sunday. We didn't even get out of bed until abotu 1:30! That's just about unheard of around here. And about an hour later I was ready to climb right back into bed. Sheesh! Feeling a little more on track today.

I want to say a big warm HELLO to all the visitors from my friend Holly's blog - Homebody. Finding Home is featured on her blog today! Boy was I excited when I learned she wanted to feature me. If you haven't checked her out, please go right now. I'll wait. Or maybe I won' may be there all day. :)

We're working on a big home project today! It involves wood, paint, hooks and a trip to Home Depot. I hope to show it to you in the next day or so - with a tutorial. I am way too excited!

And before I go, I just wanted to show you this shelf that keeps getting moved around my house. I'm never quiet happy with it as it seems to small on whatever wall it gets placed on.

Here it is today. But later this week will probably be getting moved - as I'm hosting a party on Friday and I'd like to have something different on the wall. I'm always changing my mind. :)


  1. Congrats--you deserve to be featured. You are always honest and down to earth (ok 20 minute eyelashes does not fall into the down to earth category :)), but I love your posts!

  2. Hi Mandi!
    Over from Holly's place...LOVE your blog! = ) So glad she shared you with us. = )


  3. How totally awesome for you!!!! I love Holly's blog!

  4. Hello, Mandi! I found your blog through Homebody Holly and I absolutely love it! I've already printed off your spring cleaning checklist. I am also a housewife with no kids, so it's always fun to find someone else like me! :)

  5. it always takes me 2-3 days to adjust! Yesterday was like a black hole and today is still a little weird.

  6. congrats on being featured! I love your blog! :)

  7. Hi there. I'm just stopping by from Homebody and wanted to say hello. Your blog is lovely.
    Happy Monday.


    P.S. I can absolutely relate to the long night Saturday, sleep most of Sunday, barely getting back to normal today thing. DLS kills me. ;) It is nice to still have light at 7 pm though.

  8. congrats on the feature!!!! I love the white on white in your shelf!

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Hey, I was glad to feature you! Your shelf looks great...I love the pears! I also really like the Canada Dry box.

  11. Hi Mandy... first visit here... Fun blog! I have a hard time decorating! I can never decide on anything! Looking forward to following! Congrats on the feature!

    just have to tell you I married my Canadian husband 11? years ago ;) I/we lived in BC for 7 years and now WA for the last 5... 2 kids and a few pets later... =)


  12. Yay, Mandi! I'm so happy to hear that you were featured! That's sooo awesome, congrats!

    Love how the shelf looks with the plates and pears, can't wait to see your project!

    -Ann Marie

  13. Congratulations, Mandi! How exciting!

  14. hey! congrats. .

    my laptop case came from wal-mart of all places and it was cheap!!!

    i can't wait to see your polka-dots!

  15. i love your white sheld, and i love the white on white dishes with the pears - so cute!

    Sausha @ {show & tell}

  16. Congratulations Mandi! You deserve to be featured, your blog is always interesting and inspiring...thank you for sharing your talents and your creative ideas! Have a great weekend!

  17. Congratulations on your feature! This shelf is great... I *love* the Canada Dry crate on the top. I move things around all the time too... I can never make up my mind! :)


  18. I love the pear/ plate combo! I haven't seen a set-up like that before, and I really like it. Great work!

  19. i very love your posting choice, very attractive.
    don't quit and also keep writing simply because it simply nicely to follow it.
    excited to browse more of your current content, have a good one ;)


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