Tuesday, May 04, 2010

My Biggest DIY Project Ever!

Hello blogging buddies! How is everyone? I hope you're doing great! It's been so long since I've updated but I just wanted to pop in and share a few things with you.

First things first. I'm currently working on my biggest DIY project to date.

I'm having a baby!

I know, right?! I can't even begin to tell you how incredibly excited that I am at the news that my hubby and I are having a baby. It was completely unexpected but such a welcome suprise. I am currently 8 and a half weeks along - with a due date of December 8th. Our baby is about the size of a kidney bean. There's so much to plan, so much to learn, so much to dream about. It's all just way too exciting!

I'm feeling tremendous. I feel like my skin is glowing (after about a week of some bad acne), my lashes seem more lush, and overall I just feel really good. Could maybe have a bit to do with all of the water and fruits and veggies I've been consuming too!

I'm still in the States. My hubby is coming this weekend to get me and we will attempt to head back to Canada and apply for a visa which will allow me to wait out the results of my Permenant Residency application. Sunday (my first Mother's Day!) will be the big day that we try to head to Canada so I would absolutely covet your prayers in this matter. Thank you so much friends!

I hope to get back to regular blogging soon - as soon as I get into my own home. I've enjoyed this little break but miss catching up with ya'll. In the meantime, I'm burying my nose in pregnancy books. Please feel free to pass on any advice about pregnancy, being a mom, labor, anything! And thanks for taking a minute to share in this joy with us. It all means so incredibly much!


Jennifer @ MillerMusings said...

Congratulations! I'm so happy for you! Will definitely keep your return home in my prayers!

Unknown said...

EEEK! CONGRATS! Fabulous news...enjoy your weekend together!

Jen @ Canadian Rhapsody said...


There must be something in the bloggy water!

Heather Henderson said...

congratulations - I'm so excited for you and your hubby!

Beth said...

Congratulations! I'll be praying for you and your trip back home.

Pokey said...

Wow, Mandi, so very happy for you all! I'll be praying that God will give you a way, soon. BTW, isn't HIS timing interesting...!

Tracy's Trinkets and Treasures said...

I am so happy for you. Congratulations!!

Beth said...

Aaack! Congratulations!!! I was just thinking about you and praying for you today and hoping you were back with your man. I will most definitely be praying for you this weekend! How can they refuse a preggo lady on her first Mommy's Day???

Tracy said...

Congrats Mandi! What a wonderful and exciting time for you and your hubby. Praying for you. = )

Amber said...

How exciting! Congratulations! Hope you keep feeling fabulous!

Lucy Marie said...

Congratulations. I am so very very excited for you. How fun that we're both having babies close together! I will be praying for you on Sunday. Keep me posted!

Chris said...

Woo Hoo!!! Congratulations! I'm so excited for you!

Anonymous said...

I'm so stinkin' excited for you and Shane!!! There's nothing quite like the first baby!

I'll be praying you're able to go "home"!

Elisabeth said...

Congratulations on your exciting news! Being a mom is awesome and you'll be wonderful. Thanks for your nice blog comments on my quilt. If you start with a simple project, you can definitely make a quilt, it's just straight lines. Before I started quilting a few years ago, I didn't even know how to thread a sewing machine! Take care and I hope everything works out and you're able to go home with no more problems!


Jami said...

Congratulations! That's amazing! I'll be praying for you and your pregnancy. The first trimester is kind of rocky, but it sounds like you're doing fabulously!

Melissa said...

Congratulations - I hope you make it through...

Kimmy said...

YAY!! Congratulations! So excited for you and your hubby!

Barb said...

Oh Mandi I am so happy for you guys, now if we can just get you back thru customs all will be right! I am sure if you show them the picture with that cute little foot impression it will melt their hearts! Well it sure did melt mine!

Congratulations and take it easy, and stay well! Do I sound like your mom? Hmmmmm advice or suggestions ~ I just remember I always wanted to eat Cheerios in the middle of the night for nine long months...and my hubby bless his heart would get up and sit with me as I enjoyed Cheerios at 2:00 a.m.! Now he loves them and I don't, funny how things work out! Stay well sweetie, prayers for you!

Jennifer @ Her Southern Charm said...

Congrats congrats sweet girl! So many blessings to be thankful for! Your little family of three will be in my prayers!!!!!

Amanda@Imperfectly Beautiful said...

Accckkkkkkkk....congratulations!!! I am so incredilbly excited for you and your hubby Mandi. What a sweet precious gift, and just in time for Mother's Day. I will say lots and lots of prayers and send them your way, my sweet friend.


Kristin @ My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia said...

Your picture caught my eye over at Tina's! Congrat's to you, what an exciting time! Love reading your blog!
Take care

Cindy Lee said...


Unknown said...

I'm sooooo happy for you! YAY!

B said...

Yay! Many congratulations to you and yours from me and mine here in good old Blighty! Good luck with your travels etc.

Much love,

B xoxox

Holly said...

How wonderful! Congratulations!
I hope everything goes well and you're able to get back home this weekend.

If you ever have a specific question about pregnancy and all that, I'll be glad to answer, but I'm going to refrain from tossing out random advice because once I get started, I don't know when to quit! :)

Libbyloulou said...

Wonderful news!!! My prayers are with you and your hubby for a safe return to our great white north and that we let you stay! *hugs*

Debra said...

Great news! Congratulations!

Tracey said...

Congratulations!! How wonderful your going to be a mother! Lucky child of yours.. she/he will have your creative feel and will become a wonderful person!

Decor To Adore said...

What a fantastic picture. Happy health.

Annette said...

Congrats on the little one! Exciting times ahead!!! Keepin you and your family in our prayers!


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