Sunday, November 06, 2011

Sunday Seven

It's Sunday 7 time! I first read about this concept on The Intentional Peace and instantly, I was in love. It's such a great way to get on track for the week ahead.

This weeks Sunday 7 has me again focusing on my upcoming week and determining my top priorities in seven key area's of my life. They are:

1. Faith
2. Family
3. Relationships
4. Health and Fitness
5. Mommyhood
6. Organization
7. Me Time

Your top 7 may look a little different than mine and that's a-ok. You determine your 7 priority areas. Feel free to create a Sunday 7 post of your own or write your top seven in the comments. I'd love to see what you are focusing on this week.

Faith: I love my morning routine. Aubrey and I have breakfast and I do my devotions. It's such a great way to focus my day. This week, I commit to taking that time to spend with God and dig into His word.

Family: In my Sunday School class, we are going through a video series called "Love and Respect" by Dr. Emerson Eggerichs. Our challenge this week is to take fifteen minutes out of our busy schedules to spend time with our mate. Sometimes it's like nailing Jello to the floor to try and get my husband to sit still for fifteen minutes so I'm trying to make that time happen this week.

Relationships: I'm way behind in emails to my sisters, a phone call to my mom and a walk with a friend. I'm really missing out on the connection factor. This week, I'm hoping to catch up with everyone I love.

Health and Fitness:  I've been really slacking on the healthy eating front lately. And forget about doing a lot of cardio - I think I have a stress fracture in my foot so it's seriously sidelined me. This week I'm committing to a few things. First, I am putting together some super quick, easy meals that I can prepare in a flash when I'm starving. This will help keep me from going off the deep end and filling up on junk. Second, I'm heading to the clinic to get a referral for a bone scan. I need to know if this foot pain truly is a stress fracture and if so, what the best course of action will be to heal it.

Mommyhood:  Aubrey hit a giant growth spurt recently and has grown out of nearly all of the winter clothes I bought her. I bought her a bunch of new things today but her wardrobe is still lacking. This week, I'm on the hunt for some great mix and match outfits.

Organization: I've been talking about it but keep putting it off. So I'm doing it this week. It's time to figure out Christmas gifts! I need to be organized in this area. I really don't want to deal with the Christmas shopping madness so I want to be focused on what gifts I'm purchasing. Also to avoid those impulse buys that can really break the budget!

Me Time: Now that Aubrey is sleeping in her own room - and through the night - I can finally start reading before I go to sleep. It's one of my favorite things to do! This week, I'm taking advantage of that free time and I'm going to read, read, read!

So that's a little of what my week looks like! What are you up too?

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