Tuesday, August 03, 2010

Bump-Date Week 21

Your Baby: Week 21   Baby gulps down several ounces of amniotic fluid every day, both for hydration and nutrition and to practice swallowing and digesting. And, these days, those taste buds actually work! Studies show that after birth, babies are most interested in tastes they've already experienced through amniotic fluid. Meaning, think about what you want your future child to eat as you prepare your own lunch. (Guess I better eat more veggies!)

How Far Along?
I'm now 21 weeks and 1 day along! Over the midway point. Our sweetie will be here in four months and two weeks! Crazy!

Maternity Clothes?
Still the same old same old. Still wearing a lot of pre-preg Old Navy tees, some pre-preg athletic pants and all jeans and pants are maternity. Sleep?
I've been sleeping really well actually. Haven't really had any afternoon naps either. They say this is the best time in pregnancy bc you feel the best - and it's true for me!

Well, I'm making those blueberry muffins I mentioned a few weeks ago every week. In fact, I made them tonight. But other than that, I'm not craving anything in particular. Actually focusing on eating really healthy and cutting out a lot of sweet stuff.


Best Moment Of The Week?
Seeing our sweet baby again on the ultrasound machine and learning that we are having a girl!

I learned that I have an anterior placenta so it really explains why I  haven't felt a ton of movement. But the ultrasound tech said that because our baby was so active she wouldn't be suprised if I'd felt movement. And I know I had a bit - just not as much as maybe others. Today she was REALLY moving and grooving though!

She's a girl!

Labor Signs?

Belly Button In Or Out?

What I Miss
Not a thing. I love being pregnant!! And I even painted. :)

What I'm Looking Forward To
Getting started on some craft projects. I have quiet a list! I'm also anxious to get the nursery started. We are having my first shower next month so the goal is to have the room painted and ready for her items to be moved into the room. We also hope to order the furniture this month and hopefully the crib bumper. I may be having it made from a seller on etsy. More on all of that later though.

Last week I reached the halfway point in my pregnancy. Halfway! Wow! It's all a downhill slide into home stretch from here!

Weekly Wisdom
I am reminded to keep praying over our baby. Talking to her and singing to her. We have been calling her by her name and have really started to bond with this sweet person who will soon be in our arms. Gosh, this is such a great time in life!


  1. Congrats on the little girl. So precious. I'm sure you're going to have a blast preparing all the PINK stuff for her. I cannot wait to hear her name and to see the nursery and all of the other fun stuff that goes along with baby time!

    Also, I have anterior placenta too. I started to feel some movement around where you are, but it took be until about 24-25 weeks to really feel a lot of activity. Trust me, once it starts, you'll know :)

  2. GREAT NEWS...a baby girl...oh what fun getting the nursery ready. Stay well and enjoy every minute of being with child! I just know that you and Shane will be wonderful parents! Thank you for your very sweet message on my blog, it means so much to hear from you!

  3. I love that pic of the blueberry muffins. Did you make those? If so, can I have the recipe. They look amazing.

    Glad to hear these updates on your pregnancy. It's nice to hear how far along things are going.

  4. Mandi - Congratulations! A sweet little daughter - how wonderful :)

  5. Mandi, congratulations! How wonderful and exciting. Thank heaven for little girls!

  6. So happy! love that lil' banana!

  7. Hi, Mandi! It's been a long time since I've stopped by. I didn't know you were pg!! Congratulations on the girl. Girls are so much fun (and more than a little drama too). Rest now while you can...just trust me on this one. ;) Thanks for the visit today!

  8. A girl, so exciting!!! Those muffins do look good, enjoy.
    Bonnie :)

  9. I added myself to follow your blog. You are more than welcome to visit mine and become a follower if you want to.

    God Bless You ~Ron

  10. I have been a bad bad blogger! I just now seen that you are expecting and a GIRL at that!! :) I am so very happy for you and your husband. I am going to have to be better at keeping up with my favorite blogs :)

  11. Hey, Mandy - hope everything's going well. Miss hearing from you and praying you and the baby are healthy. Please know you are loved and missed :) xo

  12. Mandi . . . is everything ok? I'm concerned about you. xo

  13. Congrats on knowing you're having a baby girl and you're lucky to not feel movement all the time. I know it's reassuring and magical to feel her move, but trust me, you'll want her to quiet it down in there especially at night when you're trying to sleep! I swear each of my boys were practicing karate inside me! So excited for you and glad to hear you're doing well!!!

  14. Hey! Thanks for being a fan of the Padalily! If you ever want to do a review on your blog let me know, and we can send you one for your new baby girl! Congrats, BTW. I'm a Canadian who married an American guy, so I can relate to your life! Blessings to you and your sweet growing baby. Lily


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