Thursday, December 16, 2010

Aubrey's Temporary Nursery - Picture Heavy!

I wanted to come and share a few photos of Aubrey's temporary nursery. I almost hate saying "temporary" but since we are living at my inlaws, it is her temporary space. Either way, I'm excited to show you how we've put her half of the room together. Get ready for a photo overload! I apologize for the quality of these photos. I was too anxious to wait until the light of day to take them - plus the camera was a little shakey. But you can get the idea. :)

My sister-n-law had this great shelving unit in her room. It's perfect for holding all of Aubrey's belongings. The baskets are from Michael's craft store. I bought them on clearance. When we move back home some of the baskets will go on Aubrey's book shelf and others will go in her closet. The laundry basket on top is for Aubrey's dirty clothes. And the tree is a gift from dear friends. It's from Restoration Hardware Baby and is a "family tree". There are little frames that you place family photos in. I don't have the photos hanging right now since you wouldn't be able to see them well. But I love the tree way too much to leave it at home in storage. Can you see our hospital bags on the right?

This little bucket holds Aubrey's bath supplies.

I bought these little buckets at Michael's in their dollar section. They were originally galvanized metal but I spray painted them "Ballet Slipper" by Krylon. I cut the little tags with my Cricut Expression.

I love penguins and figured that Aubrey definatly needed one. The bottom shelf holds a few books and some baby dvd's and cd's. The rest of Aubrey's books are packed away at home but I can't wait to read her some of what we have right now.

The pink basket holds washcloths and towels. It also holds my slings.


The purple basket holds Aubrey's first-aid kit as well as extra toiletries. The pink basket holds bottles and other feeding supplies. The swirly bag is an insulated bag to put in our diaper bag.

More blankets and our Ivory Snow.

This little rabbit says a prayer if you squeeze its foot. My sister had a lamb that said the same prayer and she would play it for my neice every night. I plan to do the same thing for Aubrey. I actually got tears in my eyes when I unwrapped this gift at my shower!

A jack-in-the-box! This little guy was holding $50 in his little hands! A fun shower gift.

Bouncer, Boppy and toy basket. Gotta also throw in the Diaper Genie too.

Some of Aubrey's toys.

Bouncer that my mom bought for $5 at a yard sale. The Boppy was purchased on I just love the cover!

This little dresser was given to us from a lady at our church. When we move back home, I'll probably repaint it and change the handles. It also will probably get moved elsewhere into our home as we already have a dresser for Aubrey. But this one here is a perfect fit for Aubrey's space! It holds her clothes so nicely. The pink outfit is actually Aubrey's Christmas Eve jammies.

I made the art in the frame as well as the cupcake block. Another basket from Michael's that holds some special burp cloths. My best friends grandma embroidered them for Aubrey.

A couple of the burp cloths. We have some packed in our bag for the hospital too. They say her name. That way, hopefully, we won't loose them. :)

A view of the room.

Fisher Price Little Lamb Cradle 'N Swing. I heard so many wonderful things about this swing. We bought it for $100 on We also had free shipping so it was really a great deal. This swing retails for $200 here in Canada. I can't wait for Aubrey to try it out!

Aubrey's pack-n-play. Since we knew we would be living at my inlaws, we registered for on that had a changing station attatched as quiet frankly, the thought of changing my baby on the floor or the bed is not my cup of tea. It will happen, this I know, but I also wanted to make sure I had a spot dedicated to changing her little dirty bum.

They are anxiously waiting for Aubrey!
(But of course once she is here, they will be removed from the bed.)

Changing area. Wipes, toilettries, swaddeling blankets, diapers and some recieving blankets.

I purchased this little chair on Kijiji for $5. The pink frame is from her Grandma Cresswell.

And finally, our carseat. This bad boy definatly needs to get yesterday. The blanket is one of those fleece blankets that you tie together. My friend made it for Aubrey. It's so big and nice that we're taking it to the hospital in case I get cold! It's so cozy!

So there you have the tour of Aubrey's temporary nursery. It was fun putting this space together. I can't wait until she is actually here and using all of these things. I have to admit though, I can't wait to get my hands on her nursery back at our house. I have so many plans! Just think, I got to decorate two nurseries! What a lucky girl am I?!


  1. Get that carseat installed! You could go into labour tonight for all you know!!!!!
    Anything yet?
    I didn't have any contractions or braxton hicks until labour so I was worried I wouldn't know when it started, but mine started with a bang when my water broke, so I guess I didn't need to worry!

    I'm loving her nursery, so cute! Em STILL has some stuff in her crib - mom fail. She doesn't move at all in her sleep yet though, just turns her head from side to side (probably b/c she's still swaddled, even though she turned the big 4-mo the other day!). I've just been lazy.

  2. It looks amazing, you're all ready! Can't wait to meet the little pumpkin :)

  3. I totally understand wanting to be in your own house, but meanwhile you have a lovely place to bring Aubrey home to. So exciting!

  4. Everything is SO cute!! It's perfect for a little princess! :)

  5. Absolutely adorable!! You did a great job - and Aubrey has such cute things :) xo

  6. hooray, your writings on theater and writing much missed!


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