Thursday, March 03, 2011

Aubrey - 2 Months Old!

2 Months Old. Wow! She's two months old already! I take that back. Technically she turned two months old on February 20th. Today she is now 11 weeks old. Time is really flying by. My baby is changing so much! She's no longer a newborn but an infant. It's so exciting to see her grow.

On Monday, the 28th, we had Aubrey's doctor's appointment. She was weighed, measured and had her first vaccines. My peanut weighs in at 11 pounds 2 ounces and is 22 inches long. She hasn't quiet gained a pound since her last appointment almost a month and a half ago. Her shots were terrible! Or her reaction to them was. She screamed bloody murder and had tears running down her cheeks. It broke this momma's heart! The photo above is her numbing patches for her shots. Thankfully, she had no adverse reaction to the shots. Not even a fever so Praise the Lord for that!!

Aubrey is now cooing, smiling and "talking" to us. The best thing is in the morning when she's making noise and you look down into her cradle - when she cathes your eye, there is that killer smile. It melts my heart every time and makes the groggy wake-up feeling worth it.

On my birthday, the 21st, I put a toy in Aubrey's hands and she promptly brought it up to her mouth. It was the first time she actually held a toy! What a milestone! Soon everything will be going into her mouth but it's been fun these past few weeks playing toys with her.

Aubrey is still sleeping through the night. Our evening routine is a bath at 8. I have the lights in our bedroom off with just a night table lamp on. Her blanket is laid out on the bed with her pajamas, undershirt, brush, diaper and lotion. After her bath I bring her into the room and put on her diaper. She's usually pretty fussy at this point because she knows dinner is coming! But then we move on to a baby massage and she usually stops her fussing. I dress her, comb her hair and wrap her up in the warmest blanket she owns. Then I turn on a lullaby cd and she nurses until she falls asleep. I say prayers over her and just enjoy the quiet moment with my precious girl. Thankfully she sleep from around 11 pm/midnight until 6 or 8 in the morning. It's lovely!

The week Aubrey turned 2 months old, she officially grew out of her newborn outfits. She still fits best into clothes that are 0-3 months. Three month items are generally way to big on her.

We finally ventured to church. I hesitated for awhile until she was older because I was afraid of the germ factor. I knew a lot of friends would want to see Aubrey and I just wanted to make sure she was a little older first. Plus, I was still getting used to being a mom so I think the Lord gave me a little break on the no church thing. Our first trip Aubrey slept through the worship. Then woke up for the sermon. She started to get a little fussy and had a wet diaper so we scooted out and missed the entire service. Funny, there were so many moms and dads in the foyer.

We made it to church again two weeks later and what a difference those two weeks made! She was smiling at everyone. She loved the worship and sat in my arms just enjoying it. During the service she slept in her daddy's arms and afterwards enjoyed being held by a number of our friends. She was such a champ! I was really proud of her.

And finally, last night, we removed the netting out of Aubrey's bathtub. Her tub came with this little net that a newborn sits in. It's such a nice feature for a baby bathtub as the mom or dad can be hands free while washing their little peanut. Aubrey loved her net but was getting a little scrunched in it. So last night, I took it out. And oh did she love it!! She was able to splash, and kick, and trash about in her tub. She sat in there for half an hour!! I wish I had a video of it because it was so entertaining. But I suppose I will have to do as Mary did and treasure that moment up in my heart. I can't wait for bathtime tonight!

Happy 2 Months little girl!!


  1. Oh, she is adorable! I love that sleepy picture. And those shots are awful - they give me nightmares remembering going through them with my 2 boys. The good news is - she won't remember them a bit. They'll only scar mom :)

  2. What a beautiful baby!! She is really precious!! Enjoy her...I wish I'd had blogging with my first so I could have a written record of all their{his} "firsts"...
    Happy late Birthday!!

  3. aww...she is beautiful...seems like only the "other day" she was born!

  4. I'm so glad you post these updates of Aubrey. I love seeing how she's growing. I wish that peanut would stay little until we can meet her.

  5. Mandi you have truly been blessed. Enjoy every moment with your little one.. she is precious! My little one turns 20 on Tuesday.. the time does fly by. Record everything and take lots of pictures,(which I know you are doing).. She is a beauty!

  6. Absolutely adorable, and I love that you are sharing pictures with us! Aubrey is very precious, enjoy every minute and record all of the changes, because they happen so rapidly! Many blessings coming your way from PA!

  7. She is soooo cute...what a blessing..I have four girls..they are the best!

  8. I was going to comment and tell you which picture was my fav but I can't because they are ALL adorable!

  9. Mandi,
    Thank you so much for your very sweet comment! I actually teared up reading it because it was so very thoughtful and like an answer to pray. It's so funny that there are so many contradictory things said about breastfeeding and supplementing with formula. When your lactation consultant tells you that your newborn should be just fine on colostrum until your actual milk comes in, as a first time mother-- you would tend to believe it. I had NO IDEA she could become dehydrated. I just thought things would be that way until my milk came in, but then I was given a sheet to take inventory of soiled and wet diapers... and my world came crumbling down. I have a doctor's appointment in the morning, and luckily, our little girl had a BIG wet diaper tonight, so I am feeling so much better. I am glad you had such a good experience with Aubrey. That definitely gives me some hope. Breastfeeding is hard work, but I believe it is totally worth it (even though I squawled more than she did last night). There's nothing in the world like seeing that sweet little face peering up at me. Aubrey is such a pretty girl! I think she looks like her beautiful mommy! Thank you again for your sweet words. I'm going to check out that website, especially the deep latch because I so don't want to give up. Just hope my milk comes in quickly!

  10. Mandi, I don't know how I missed this post, since it's been almost a month! Aubrey is so pretty...what a precious girl!
    Oh, I remember those days of little babies and church. I remember thinking, with all three of mine, "why do I even bother to come to church?". I spent so much time in the nursery!


Thanks so much for taking a second to leave me your thoughts. I just love to hear what you have to say!