Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Our Daily Schedule - Download

Hi gals! I'm back to share with you a few further details in regards to my "Daily Schedule". I don't know about you, but a day can totally get away from me if I don't first get a handle on it. So I created my "Daily Schedule" to inspire me and keep me on track. I'm the mom to a young baby (4 months tomorrow!) and I can quickly find myself lost in her little world and by the time I come up for air, I've forgotten to get some important things done. Like laundry. Or phone calls. Yikes.

So I need a schedule!

I wanted to just share with you the why behind some of my schedule. Let's go!

Daily Home Blessings

I wanted to start out with some Daily Home Blessings. These few phrases are things that I want so desperatly to accomplish in my home. My home is made up of my husband, baby daughter, myself, three dogs and a puppy. We're a busy household as so many are - so I want to take time to focus on what makes a home, a home. I wanted to record things that would bless those that I love so much. As the mom and wife, I set the temperature of our home. Not the physical temperature but the atmosphere. You've heard that phrase "if momma ain't happy, ain't nobody happy". Well, I find that these Daily Home Blessings help me to set the right atmosphere in my home. They are my reminder.

Here are my Daily Home Blessings:

  • Prepare nutritious meals for my family. I desire for everyone to eat well. I don't merely want my family to consume junk. I want to take care of them by preparing healthy, nutritous, yummy meals to fuel them for their day. I want to love them through meal planning.

  • Send Shane to work with hugs and kisses. If I was sending my daughter, Aubrey, out into the world, I'd add her name too - but she's not going anywhere. So when my husband heads out, I want to make sure the last thing that he experiences from me is a warm embrace and a loving kiss. There are lots of women out there who would do anything to have my man and I want him to know that there is a little woman waiting at home for him. I want my love to be forefront in his mind and by sending him off with hugs and kisses, I hope to help accomplish that.

  • Daily devotions: Pray, Journal, Read Bible, Worship. There is little else that I can accomplish in my day - effectively - if I haven't first given it to God. Some days I may accomplish a deeper time with him but in the end, I need to devote my time to Him.

  • Open windows and curtains to let the sunshine in. Oh beautiful sun! There is just something so warm and welcoming about my home when I have the curtains pulled back and a window open. I love to smell that delicious air and hear the birds. Call me corny but I love it!

  • Tidy our home - Do dialy and weekly cleaning. I can't focus in a messy home. It makes me "twitchy". I have a dialy and weekly cleaning checklist that I like to go through to keep me on track. At the bare minimum, I like to have my dishes washed, floors swept and beds made. I also like to have things look neat. For instance, if there are papers all over my kitchen table, I'll pile those papers. It makes it appear as though there are less papers and while I havne't really tackeled the problem, at least they look tidy.

  • Create a home that is a haven for my family - a soft place to land. I want our home to be a place that when my family comes home, they feel welcome. They are free to be who they are. They feel comfort, laughter, love and joy in our home. It is a soft place after a long, hard day. It's a place to revive and rejuvinate their soul. That's what I'm dying to create in our home.

  • Snuggle, cuddle, play, laugh, teach, encourage, pray for and enjoy my family. When I'm tempted to walk in anger and self pity and irritation, I look at this "to do" and focus on what's really important.

  • Create. Whether it is baking cookies, painting a project or writing a note of encouragement, I want to create. I can't wait to one day craft and bake with Aubrey.

Things To Accomplish Today and This Week

I have just ten lines under this category. Any more, and I'd go crazy. Ten or less items will give me ample time in my day to get those tasks accomplished. I'll focus on the top ten (or less!!) things that I really need to get done and I add them to my list. And as I complete those things, I can put a nice, big, fat checkmark next to them. Boy that feels good!

Things to Accomplish This Week will give me a focus of what needs to be accomplished this week. These things aren't urgent but are on my list of things that need to get done. Seeing all that needs done during the week helps me to get things done when I have a few free minutes of time.

Meal Planning; Ideas and Inspiration

I added a Meal Planning box so that I can jot down what we are having for dinner. Once Aubrey starts eating solid foods, I'll probably put her lunch on there as well. I ask myself "what needs to be made today" so that I can put a plan into action if there are biscuits that need baked or meat that needs pulled out of the freezer. Just another way of keeping myself on track!

My Ideas and Inspiration block is a place to jot down a blog I want to read or a project I saw on a tv show that I'd like to recreate. If I found a good quote I'd like to remember, I'd write it here too. This is basically just a small spot to help me remember those great things I find during my day that I don't want to forget!

The Other Boxes

I have a spot to check off the water I've consumed during the day. As a nursing mom, it's really important that I get that good water into me and so this helps me to physically remember what I've drank. I also have a spot for vitamins. We all take vitamins in our family but too often I was forgetting to make sure that we were all getting them. I also started giving Aubrey her Vitamin D supplement when I give her her nightly bath. Keeping her Vitamin D and the dropper in with her bath supplies helps me to not forget to give it to her!

And of course there is a box for all of the phone calls, emails and errands that need run. I gotta stay connected!

So there is my Daily Schedule! I was going to just print off a number of copies but have since decided that I'll make a double sided copy and then have it laminated. I'll save a few trees. ;)

I've finally created my Our Life: Binder into printable PDF's for my Finding Home readers! I'm toying with the idea of opening an etsy shop to sell printables but until then, you get them for free!!

Today I'm offering you a generic form of the Daily Schedule. I'll be offering up the rest later this week because some need a bit of explaining. I hope you enjoy this daily schedule and I hope it makes your life a little easier! And I also hope you enjoy creating you own Daily Home Blessings.

Daily Schedule pdf

Let me know if this doesn't work for you. I'm really hoping it does!!! 
For those who had trouble before, it should work now. Just hit the icon of the printer on the document. I'm printing one as I type so it should work. Let me know if it doesn't!


  1. I really need to start giving Em the vitamin D supplement too. I wasn't sure how to do it as the commercials show it being put on a soother and she won't take one. I guess it's time to try putting them in food or just seeing if she'll take them directly.

  2. Is it just me? I cannot download the document. :( I can open and read it but not download it...

  3. Nic, it wasn't just you! I fiddeled with it and it should work now. I just printed myself a copy. Just hit the printer icon on the download.

  4. Just found you through Kelly's Korner and love this download! Can't wait to try it out!

  5. Stopping by from Kelly's Korner. Thanks for the free download - "Daily Blessings" is a neat way of saying it!

  6. I found you through Kelly's Korner! I love this binder idea... especially the Home Blessings. What a great reminder of WHY we do what we do! :)

  7. I left that other comment before seeing this post. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! I'm totally printing this at bedtime and naming my next child after you if it works.

    Uh...what's your name again?

    Thanks again!! I've seen some things like this on Etsy. You could TOTALLY sell this.

  8. What a great idea! I should print them and put them in my household binder! :) Love your blog! I became a follower! Erin


  9. The Daily Schedule is fantastic!!
    Can't wait for more!!

  10. Can I just tell you how much you made my day by sharing your daily schedule? I desperately want to be a blessing to my family but can't seem to get it all together. I know this will help!

  11. This is going to help me so much! I am so very unorganized and need to get things in order...bad! My New Year resolution was to get organized. It just hasn't happened yet! Here's to hoping I'm on my way!

  12. Thank you! What a fabulous planner you've created! I'm in the process of getting more organized (with a family binder) and appreciate your willingness to share with us how you keep yourself organized! :)

  13. You have really blessed me today. I teared up reading about you sending your hubby to work with hugs and kisses. Lately, I've been irked and sleep-deprived, so I literally send my husband to work with a half-asleep kiss on the cheek and probably a look of "At least you get to leave!" I haven't really found my happy medium yet. Admire you for being so organized. I am extremely meticulous without being organized, and it's always a disaster if someone who is creative is not somewhat organized. It translates to trail of clutter around the house that only annoys me more when I'm on less sleep! Trying to get a simple cleaning schedule nailed down because, like you, I can't function in a messy home (and that seems to be the norm these days). Going to check out the websites you listed in your other post because, boy, I have to get to where I enjoy cooking again. It's like I took a hiatus from it during pregnancy because I couldn't stand the smells or fatigue! Gonna try to step up my mama game! <3

  14. I just found you through Kelly's Korner. I'm totally IN LOVE with your life binder. I can't wait for more printables from you! They are FANTASTIC!!!

  15. I really liked the article, and the very cool blog


Thanks so much for taking a second to leave me your thoughts. I just love to hear what you have to say!