Monday, April 04, 2011

Lovin' This!

I've been doing a lot of shopping on Etsy the past few days. I've ordered some of the most darling things. Tonight while searching, I ran across this shop and just had to share the cuteness! Enjoy this eye candy!

So pop on over to dearjes' shop and browse through her adorable creations. You won't be sorry!

Have you found any cute shops you'd like to share? Please pass them along!


  1. i love these little goodies & actually am in the process of trying to recreate the stamped eggs (wish me luck!!). i love them, but can't fork out the money right now.. so i'm going to attempt to diy it! :)

  2. These are stunning....damn Etsy...its evil I tell you :-)


Thanks so much for taking a second to leave me your thoughts. I just love to hear what you have to say!