Tuesday, April 05, 2011

Our Life: Binder UPDATE

I was so blown away by all of the sweet comments in regards to my Our Life: Binder. I had the most fun creating and like the post said, I have more pages to create and print. As they are done, I will share them with you. Some of you suggested I should offer up a download on etsy and let me say, it is something I'm toying with! I simply LOVE to create documents and think it would be so fun. I'm researching just how to do that and working on offering some different styles. Different strokes for different folks!

In the meantime, I'd definatly love to offer up some FREE printables! I'm just looking for a good "host" so that ya'll can download them without having to download all of the fonts so that it "looks right". Anyone have any suggestions?? I'd definatly appreciate it them!

Look for those downloads coming soon!


  1. Hey girl,

    If you save the documents as pdf's the fonts are saved. I use CutePDF that I downloaded online.
    Once installed, to use it you just click print in the open document and choose cutepdf. It works really well!

  2. Yay! I'm so excited. I'm gonna get 'em as soon as your ready. THANKS!

  3. I LOVE your pages, will be one of my "favs" Can't wait !!!!

  4. I would 100% order these off etsy from you so that they could be slightly more customized!!!!!!! I would even pay extra for you to design some pages that I really think would work well for my hubby to be and I!

  5. I absolutely love this! I have been trying to think of a way to organize all of our important information, and I love the way you did yours. Thanks for the free printables, this is going to be my next project!

  6. I always look at this for inspiration for my very own binder//notebook. Thank you so much for posting this!


Thanks so much for taking a second to leave me your thoughts. I just love to hear what you have to say!