Sunday, September 18, 2011

The Sunday Seven

It's time for the Sunday Seven again! I first heard about this awesome concept at The Intentional Peace and just instantly fell inlove with the idea. You pick the seven most important areas of your life and then set a goal for each of those seven areas for you to accomplish for the next seven days. How focused and easy is that? I love it. Basically if my mind gets scattered for the week, I can focus on the top priorities of my life and make sure those things get accomplished. Love it!

My 7 categories this week are:

1. Faith
2. Family
3. Relationships
4. Home Organization
5. Health and Fitness
6. Down Time

Faith: Spend each morning with God reading my Bible and my Mother's Prayer Book. Start to intentionally pray for my husband and make it a real focus.

Family: We are still in Pennsylvania visiting my family and though we leave tomorrow I want to really focus on soaking up every minute I can with my family. The internet and satellite tv can be real traps for me - especially because we get only three tv channels at home! So I'm making it a focus to avoid these areas and have a blast with my family instead. Though we did stop to watch The Pioneer Woman's cooking show. :)

Relationships: Prepare a meal for a friend who just had a baby.

Home Organization: Begin to put together storyboards of what I want our renovated home/rooms to look like. Time to focus! (I'll post these when I finish them. I can't wait!)

Health and Fitness: This has been such a big focus in my life for the past few months. I'm changing my lifestyle and totally enjoying it. I'm focusing on walking a minimum of 4 times this week (minimum 40 minutes each walk). I'll also attend my Weight Watcher's meeting Saturday. I always look forward to my meeting. It's one of the highlights of my week!

Future Planning: We are getting Aubrey dedicated on October 2nd. I'm beginning to prepare now and will order her dress and begin to plan a celebration lunch.

Down Time: Take some time to read some of my new magazines! Such a luxury!

And a special thank-you to everyone who prayed for our trip and for Aubrey's heart. There were no signs of her murmur at her appointment. Praise God! We go back in four months for the final check and if they don't hear anything then we are discharged from their care. God is good! Our drive couldn't have been better as Aubrey slept the entire way - minus the hour we stopped for dinner. She even slept through stopping at the border and the border guard opening the van door to look at her!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Mandi for checking in...I know God is Good, He is constantly watching out for us! Happy news about Aubrey, and your safe trip to PA! I know your PA family was thrilled to have you, Shane and Aubrey visit, even for a short visit! They love each of you very much! I am enjoying and thinking about your Sunday Seven, that is a wonderful idea, I need to learn more about it! Do you have a source for the idea? Blessings you way from PA!


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