Sunday, October 09, 2011

Pinterest Saturday on a Sunday

Hi All!

This Pinterest Saturday post is coming to you a day late. How am I always running behind? Ha!

This past week has been a wild one for us. Shane has been away at a National Field Trial Championship event for our dogs. He's actually helping to run the event - as well as participating. Yesterday his parents, sister, Aubrey and I traveled deep into the bush to watch the competition. We had high hopes for our dog, Bee, to become a champion but she didn't quiet make it. Unfortunately, Shane had to pull her from the competition because her leg was starting to give out. She tore a muscle in it last year and at one point we never thought she would run again. So, he pulled her from the competition. It was a hard decision but I love that man was putting her needs above his wants. Love that guy!

Here's a picture of he and Aubrey in the field.

This week we've also transitioned Aubrey into her own room. We've had a lot of trouble with her sleeping...I won't get into it all right now...but she's now in her own room and has been successfully putting herself to sleep for the past few days. She even slept one night from 9 pm - 8 am. She was beyond ready for this. I'm so so thankful and happy at the transition she's made!

This upcoming week should be pretty great. Tomorrow is Canadian Thanksgiving. Can't wait to celebrate with some turkey and stuffing! And a slice of pumpkin pie. Shane I also celebrate our 4th wedding anniversary on the 13th. This should be a wonderful week. I'm really looking forward to it.

So today's Pinterest Saturday is a random collection of things that should inspire us for the upcoming week. It's a bit of some inspiration in my life right now that I just wanted to share with you. So, here we go!

Have you been on The Dating Diva's website yet? Girl, you need to!! There are SO many ideas for dates to do with your man, clothing ideas and makeup tricks for dates out, and so many ideas for anniversary's. It's truly a treasure trove of ways to cherish and spend time with your hunny. I really want to make this "Bad Day Box" for Shane. It's on my list of things to do.

Wouldn't this just be so fun to do to star watch? Snuggle up with your kiddos and your hubby and watch those gorgeous stars. I love it!

For all my Canadian friends celebrating Thanksgiving tomorrow, be sure to print of some of these cute Thanksgiving printables for the kiddos. These things look adorable!

October 13th, 2007, I changed my monogram. I'd love to order a cutout of me and Shane's initials and have it hanging in our home. At $18, that seems totally reasonable!

This bracelet of Lisa Leondard's has been on my list of things I want to buy list for awhile. It's one of those things that I need to save for...but it's gorgeous. Love, love, love it!!

The world said goodbye to Steve Jobs this past week. I found these words of his to be spot on.

This graphic totally made me laugh.  I'm a Pennsylvania gal so to read that our state is best known for deer collisions....well, if you're from PA, you just get it. What is your state known best for? I pity you West Virginians. :)  (You may need to click through see the graphic at a larger size to know just what I'm talking about.)

My husband recently took up duck hunting...and calling. Ducks are overtaking my life. We both got a kick out of the above picture. So funny! via Mandi on Pinterest

I have pinned a few denim shirts and I finally bought on yesterday. This pin was the total inspiration for my outfit choice today. I wore khaki pants, a distressed denim shirt, and boots the same color as the shoes above. My watch is almost the same as the watch in the picture only mine is gold. Sometimes it really helps me to see an outfit put together before I actually buy something.

And, lastly, this photo. I just had to share because I recently bought that exact same pink cup. If anyone is looking for one similar, check out JoAnne Fabrics. They are there!

Hope you have a great weekend friends. I'm celebrating tomorrow.
Happy Thanksgiving Canadian friends!

If you want to follow along with me on Pinterest, feel free to follow this link. There's so much inspiration going on! Don't have a Pinterest account and would like an invite? Just leave me a comment or shoot me an email and I'll make sure to send you an invitation. For those following me currently, I'm in the process of organizing my boards a bit better to make it a little easier to find all of my pins. Should be easier for you...and I (!) to find what grabs our attention.

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