Saturday, February 20, 2010

An Early Birthday Present

I won! I'm so excited to be the lucky winner of the Virtue Lip Gloss giveaway at Beth from The Stories of A to Z. I love what the Virtue company stands for - "a company founded by three friends who believe beauty starts from within. We want to remind all women of the simple and virtuous things in life". Love that!

And, if you haven't been to visit Beth, please please please jump on over to visit. She's just darling. Funny as can be and has projects coming out the wahzoo! Well, maybe not the wahzoo - but she's got so many awesome decorating and home projects going on. Please stop by to say hi.

I count this win as a bit of an early birthday present. Tomorrow I turn 28! February favorite day of the year. :) I hope this weekend holds something special for you. Love you all! You make this blogging thing so fun.


  1. Well if I couldn't win, I am glad someone as sweet as you won! Your lips will be beautiful~SMACK~!

  2. Happy Birthday to you!
    and I agree.. lipgloss... it doesn't get any better.

  3. Happy Birthday! Thanks for your comments - I really appreciate it!

  4. Happy Birthday! I couldn't think of a better early gift - I LOVE lip gloss :)

  5. YAY! How fun!! Hope you have an awesome birthday!

  6. Many congrats on your sweet win...and have a very Happy Birthday, my friend!!!!

  7. Happy birthday! Glad you got a fun treat. Will call you later.

    Love, mom

  8. Congrats on the win!

    haha I actually DO like your bathroom tile! I think the pattern and colors are really neat. Maybe you just photograph it well so it looks better in pictures :)

  9. Happy Birthday Mandi...and if anyone deserves to win that wonderful surprise...YOU DO!! Have a wonderful and blessed week!

  10. Happy B-day and congrats on the win :). I was so excited to see it was you that Mr. Random chose. (Thanks also for your sweet comments.)

  11. The chicken packets are super easy. You just take a chicken breast and season it with a little pepper and garlic salt, chop up some veggies (I usually use squash and zucchini), place the seasoned chicken with veggies in a little foil, drizzle with olive oil, close it up making a little packet, bake it in the oven. It ‘s easy and fast, just my kind of meal.

  12. Happy birthday! Enjoy being in your twenties're just a youngster ;)

  13. K... so funny about the ironing board on the side of the road. LOL... I would TOTALLY do that too. ha!
    Good luck on the giveaway!!


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