Friday, February 19, 2010

Food Faves and Finds - Salmon and Greek Salad

Today I'm hooking up with Keelie from Real Fat. She's blogging about her weight loss journey. She's so transparent and stinkin' funny! Her blog is packed with all kinds of tips and food ideas. She's transformed her body in just two months. It's been really awesome to see. Plus, she's just plain sweet! She's started posting her Favorite Foods and Finds every Friday and has asked us to hook up with her. So, I'm doing just that! (And because I'm just not that smart, I can't figure out how to ever add those cute buttons that people make to link back to their blog - HELP! - so I'll just provide the old fashioned link so you can hop over to see everyone else's fun finds.)

Oh, by the way, I've started Weight Watchers again. Just thought I'd throw that in there. :)

I absolutely love salmon. I can't get enough of it. I hate all things fish related so this is a really weird one for me. But I honestly could eat the whole package I love it so much. After counting the points, I realized that each fillet is less than 2 points each so I guess it wouldn't be that bad but I'm trying to put gluteny on the back burner.

I start with a frozen package of wild Pacific salmon. I let it thaw in the fridge overnight.

I then brush the top with olive oil.

Sprinkle with salt and cracked pepper.
Bake on a lined baking sheet at 450 degrees for 10 to 14 minutes.
(The package says 10 minutes but I usually add a couple minutes on to the cooking time.)

The salad is a version of a Greek Salad. Here is what I did:

  • Chop one cup of cucumber.
  • Chop one cup of tomato
  • Chop one small red onion into bite sized pieces.
  • (You can add Calamata olives but I didn't have any on hand.)
  • Sprinkle salad with dried orageno. (The recipe calls for fresh but I didn't have any of this either.)
  • Top with feta cheese. (Mine had gone bad - stinky!! - so I used some mozzarella cheese cut into small pieces. )
  • Whisk two teaspoons of olive oil and one teaspoon of red wine vinegar together until emulsified. Pour over salad. Toss.

Because I'm goofy, I decided to put this into the oven during the last few minutes of the salmon cooking. It melted the cheese, softened the veggies and warmed everything so nicely. I loved it that way!

I couldn't eat all of the salad during one sitting - so I saved it for my dinner. But I did mow down two salmon fillets. LOVE them!!

Points Breakdown:
One Salmon Fillet - 2 points (4 for me since I had 2)
Salad - 2 points for oil (I didn't eat all of the oil as a lot was left in the bottom of the bowl but I still counted it as 2 points since I added oil to the salmon.)
              Veggies - 0 points
              Cheese - 4 points (I had had two serving sizes as I was really low on points this day.)

An eight point super filling lunch! Yum!!


  1. Now that looks healthy and GOOD!
    White ironstone you say...perfect! Love them too~

  2. Wow! That looks great. Thank you so much for sharing the how-to.

    Thanks also for the super kind words about me and my blog. You are so sweet:)


  3. Mmm! That looks great. I always hear how much people love salmon. I have not made it simply because I didn't know what to do with it. Now I do! Thanks for stopping by. ~Stacey

  4. This looks great! Thanks for posting!

  5. I don't like salmon but your recipe sounded really good. I think I might try that salad tonight with some shrimp for dinner. Good luck on Weight Watchers. I went back again today for the first time in about a month, so we can encourage each other!

  6. oh my goodness gracious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that looks uber ready drive the 15 mins to safeway to get dinner:)


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