Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Four Foodies Get Fit

Hi everyone! Can I just say how much encouragement I felt from my last post? I mean, I was completely overwhelmed with your support, concern, and sweet words of encouragement. It means the world to me and I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart. I want to let you know that I am feeling worlds better. Shane left for home yesterday and though I cried pretty hard as I watched him drive away, I had a good evening with my parents watching American Idol. Speaking of tv, that is one guilty pleasure I am indulging in while home. I have three stations back home and my tv screen is smaller than my laptop screen! So I am definatly enjoying watching ol' television. :) Do you have a guilty pleasure tv show?

I also wanted to let you know about a new blog I have created with my Mom and sisters. It's called "Four Foodies Get Fit" and is all about our journey to health and fitness. We are each at different stages of our journey but we are trying to spur one another on to success. I've officially joined Weight Watchers Online and am going about my weight loss that way. I'm super excited about this blog! If you are on a weight loss journey, or are looking for some encouragement from four foodies who are going through it too - pop on over! We'd love to see you!

I also wanted to let everyone know that I will be back to blogging. Can I just tell you how much I miss it?? I miss catching up what is going on with ya'll as well! I'll see you soon and in the meantime, please check out Four Foodies!

Have a great night!


  1. I just took a quick look at your new blog! It looks awesome! Was wondering if you wanted to ad linky to my blog hop I am having today...Watch My Weight Wednesdays!
    It a new blog hop I hope you will join!

  2. good luck with getting fit!! you will do wonderfully!!! i just know it!!

    guilty tv pleasure....can i name more than one?!?!?! the real housewives of new york....tori and dean... LOST...GLEE.... have fun catching up!!!

    check out my new giveaway sweet friend!

  3. yeay - you found your silver lining! That is awesome that your mom and sisters are there to support you and each other. Losing weight and keeping it off is hard work!!

  4. I'm so glad you have such a wonderful supportive family to lean on while you are going through this!

    I'm going to go look at your weight loss blog now ! :)

  5. Good luck to you and your 3 other foodies ;)

  6. Guilty pleasure tv? I hate to admit it but I get sucked into the Real Housewives of New York (Atlanta, New Jersey, the OC).

  7. OMGoodness, I'm so sorry about you're visa debacle! I wish I could gift you my Canadian birth certificate! I had no idea it was such a hassle for the spouse of a Canadian to be "legal". My sister is technically a US citizen, though she has lived in Canada since she was a baby, and she's never had any problems. Though she's quite a bit older than you and I'm sure the laws may have changed.

  8. good luck to your new blog.. it must be exciting, doing things with your parents and siblings is really a gift.

  9. Oh wow! This is my first visit to your blog. What a whirl wind you are living through! My prayers are with you! I will be continuing to follow up with what is going on with your journey!


Thanks so much for taking a second to leave me your thoughts. I just love to hear what you have to say!