Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Bump-Date Week 16

According to The Bump, we need to watch what we say ... tiny bones forming in baby's ears mean the little one can now pick up voices. Eyebrows, lashes and hair are starting to fill in, and taste buds are forming. And, if we're interested, an ultrasound might be able to determine gender.

How Far Along?
I'm a little over 16 weeks - Sixteen weeks and two days to be exact. :)

Maternity Clothes?
I'm still in a number of my pre-pregnancy tee shirts but if they are a fitted shirt or a button-up-the-front shirt, forget it! I'm having the worst time finding jeans. I love the fit of the Old Navy maternity jeans but they seem to have so few styles that I like. I'm soooo not even going to go there about the skinny jean maternity pants thing. No thanks! We are heading to the States this weekend and my mission is to try on a number of maternity pants to find a few pairs to add to my wardrobe. I am the type of person who needs to actually try clothes on before I buy something (particularly pants) so hopefully there is some success this weekend!

At night I feel as though I am really sleeping well though a few times this past week I've been extremely tired in the afternoon. Sunday after church I came home and promptly flopped on our bed and slept for two hours. That scene was repeated a few times this week.

I've wanted chicken sandwhiches this week. Namely ones from McDonalds or Burger King. I only gave in to that craving once though!

Cooked tomatoes. Not so much in like a pasta sauce but an actual real roasted tomatoe. Bleck! And that's something I have never minded eating before!

Best Moment Of The Week?
Having my midwife appointment today and learning that I'm right on track and "perfect" for where I need to be. Havne't gained too much weight, my vitals are great and all my bloodwork came back excellent. Makes me so happy that my body is cooperating. Also I booked my first ultrasound today! July 15th if baby cooperates, we'll know if we are having a boy or girl!

None yet but still anxiously waiting!

July 15th we should know! And then I'm going shopping. :)

Labor Signs?
Good gravy, No! Let's hope I can say that until I am full term.

Belly Button In Or Out?
In like Flynn.

What I Miss
I can't think of much that I miss. Maybe just the ability to get some major house projects done like painting my kitchen/cupboards and painting the outside of my house/deck. But other than that, I'm just so thankful to be carrying this baby that I'm concentrating on enjoying every minute of it!

What I'm Looking Forward To
Having an ultra sound to find out if we are having a boy or girl!

My sweet baby can hear so I started reading him stories last night. I read him "Peter Cotton Tail" and "The Tale of Squirrel Nutkin" both by Beatrix Potter. The Beatrix Potter books were very special to me growing up as my Grandma Hugg read those stories to my sisters and I when we were little.

Weekly Wisdom
This week in the book "Praying For Your Pregnancy", I learned that if I am having a girl that her body is making eggs for her future children. It is so amazing to know that God knows my grandchildren and is preparing for them already! What an amazing thought! I prayed for my future child and his or her mate that they may be loving, godly and devoted to my child. As lashes and eyebrows are forming, I've been praying over my childs eyes. That they see the good in others, that they see needs and will do their best to meet them and that they will have beautiful eyes with pretty, long lashes. :)


  1. Awww I love to read these posts you are so sweet. It's really cool that if it is a girl the eggs are already forming I had no idea!

  2. Absolutely beautiful blog post, your baby is very blessed to have you and Shane as are already so in touch with your wee one! God Bless all of you! Have a safe trip this weekend...enjoy your time with family!

  3. Yay for 16 weeks! I can't wait until you find out what you're having. Since we didn't find out, I just have to live vicariously through everyone else :)

  4. I can't believe how far along you are already. It's going so fast. Can't wait to find out what you're having.

  5. I'm so happy to read that your pregancy is going well.

    Also, loved the 'firecrackers' your mom sent you.

    I hope you celebrated Canada Day too!

  6. SO it's been a BILLION years since I've been able to catch up on blog reading. And um congratulations on your happy baby news!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Can't wait to see how it all progresses and the beautiful little life you're bringing into the world!

  7. 16 weeks! How wonderful! Congrats!

    Thank you for all your kind words on my blog. You are so sweet! Good luck with your pregnancy. Can't wait to see if you're having a girl or a boy! Yay!


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