Saturday, July 10, 2010

Week 17 Bump Date

 According to, Baby's skeleton is hardening, changing from rubbery cartilage to bone, and fat is finally accumulating around it. The umbilical cord is getting thicker and stronger, and those little fingers and toes are now topped by one-of-a-kind prints.

How Far Along?
17 Weeks and 5 Days

 Maternity Clothes?
I've officially grown out of all my pre-pregnancy pants (minus the athletic pants with elastic waistbands). I'm still wearing most of my pre-pregnancy tee shirts. I even bought a few! Gotta love Old Navy and their long shirts!

Loving it. I still sometimes nap during the day - especially if I've been busy throughout the day.

I had my first official wierdo craving. It was for a ham sandwhich on a toasty bun with BANANAS! I haven't given in, but let me tell you, I still think it sounds good.

None this week!

 Best Moment Of The Week?
My father-n-law told me that he could start to see a baby bump. That made me happy because it was the first person who said something! (Besides Shane.)

Nothing yet - still anxiously waiting!

I took one of those old wives tales gender predicting tests on my friend Jen's blog. It was overwhelmingly boy. I'm definatly feeling boy - but we will hopefully know for sure this Thursday. I go for my ultrasound!

 Labor Signs?

 Belly Button In Or Out?
In, in, in.

 What I Miss
Just painting really. Not because I like to paint but merely because I have so many paint projects to do. I know that many pregnant women do paint things - but my hubby refuses to let me touch a brush. Now if I can only get him to do those painting projects....

 What I'm Looking Forward To
Thursday! And finding out if we are having a boy or girl!

Being about ready to determine the gender. We're really coming along!

 Weekly Wisdom
To journal and record this time in letters for our future little one. I think about the moment that I'll give that journal to our child one day. Wow.....


  1. I've been really bad about the painting. I've only ever spray painted outside where there's lots of airflow, and . I painted her dresser white back in March and had to do it in the living room because it took a couple of coats over a couple of days BUT I used the Behr paint and primer in one which is supposedly low in VOCs and it was definitely low odour. I'm not very good at asking for help though, and with Craig away, it's just me at home to do the jobs. lol. I can't say that's entirely the reason though. I'm pretty stubborn!

  2. I have a serious issue with belly buttons... so sadly, I retained nothing after finding out that, thankfully, yours is still in ;)
    Love the update!

  3. Everything sounds like it is going so well, i am so happy and excited for you Mandi. Enjoy seeing your little bub on the ultrasound on Thursday:) ~ Tina xx

  4. A ham and banana sandwich? Thats funny! I can't wait to hear if it's a boy or girl.

  5. I love your *bump* reports...this week is pretty funny, thinking onion ;>)! I thinking boy for you and Shane, but will patiently wait with everyone else to find out! Take care, stay well rested, and enjoy that "Ham and Banana" sandwich, actually that could be pretty good even when you are not having cravings!

  6. Glad you're doing well. I thought I was having a boy, too. Even after the dr. did the ultrasound and said it was a girl I still thought it was a boy. I did the nursery gender neutral - leaning toward a boy actually and took a green and white going home outfit with us to the hospital - just in case I was right. Well, of course I was wrong! :) Can't wait to hear what you find out on Thurs!

  7. So glad you are feeling so good! How wonderful! Cant wait to hear if its a boy or a girl. Thank you for sharing your experiences through your pregnancy. You have really blessed me! I feel your joy! :-)

  8. Holy cow! I can't believe you're 17 wks! You're almost halfway!
    Can't wait to hear if it's pink or blue.

  9. Love reading about all the stages of your pregnancy and so glad you are doing well, Mandi! Looking forward to hearing if it's a boy or a girl!

  10. Glad you're doing great and can't wait to hear boy or girl! :)


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