I almost had tears in my eyes. I got an award! My first! I've seen them on so many of the wonderful blogs that I frequent...and finally, I have one! I'm so excited!! I found this great blogger, Domestic Fashionista, a little bit ago and have just fallen inlove with her blog. She's done some amazing things in her home...take a peek at her dining table redo. Shane loves it so we are going to attempt it!! All of that to say two things...go visit her blog and number two...she gave me the award!
I'm sure many of you know the drill but I'll fill you in just in case. I'm too list six things about myself and then pass the award on to six other deserving blogs. She threw in some pix...so I'm going to too! Enjoy!

1. My middle name is Joy. My dad picked it out because he said I brought so much joy into he and my mom's lives. I was the first born. :) I love all things "joy" related. Christmas is especially great because there are so many "joy" items out there!

2. I used to want to be a foot model. Okay, I still sort of do. But I've got a few scars now so I doubt I would do much good in the modeling world. I love my feet. I think they are darn near perfect. :) If I had a real photo of my feet, I'd post it. But this one is curtosy of Google Images.

3. Speaking of feet...I have a weird thing when I sleep. I like weight on my feet. Like extra blankets kind of weight. I used to keep my feet propped up on their own pillow and then the covers and then an extra quilt, doubled over, on top of my feet. It's the weirdest thing...but yeah.

4. In highschool, I was voted Prom Queen my senior year. It was truly one of the coolest nights of my life. There were about 10 (maybe more) girls on court and I won! I wasn't the most popular girl at school by anymeans...I was just nice. I remember this deafing roar of people cheering when I won and lots of photos being taken. It really was so great!

5. I am planning a pumpkin patch for next year. Yeah no, I really am. I've had a love of pumpkins for so so long and have wanted my own pumpkin patch for about five years now. That that I have my own home, I'm going to do it. I've researched the how, the pumpkins I want, the prices I'll sell them at...oh my, I'm so giddy with excitement!

6. I wear three mascaras. At once. Yeah, I do. I always get asked if I'm wearing false eyelashes. Nope! Never! I tried for my wedding...but I just couldn't get the hang of it so I didn't. I'm maybe going to do a tutorial about how to go from skimpy lashes to fab lush lashes. Three mascaras. All under $7 each. :)
And here is who gets the award as well!
1. Our Blessed Home - This is my sisters blog. I imagine her as a Martha Stewart. While she is making show stopping meals, I'm reworking pasta and Bisquick. She's super stylish and got such great decorating style. I love her to bits!
2. More Than Enough - Tonya was one of my first bloggy friends. I feel like we would be really great next door neighbors. We'd go shopping and she'd come over for coffee and we'd just have a grand ol' time. Her blog makes me laugh so often. Her son is a hoot! Her daughter is a sweetie. You'll leave her blog feeling so happy.
3. Simply Jenn-sational - I came across Jenn's blog and haven't wanted to leave. Reading her posts, I feel like I am reading my own thoughts and feelings. She's great! She even used to have parrot earrings when she was younger and so did I.
4. The Undomesticated Wife - Can you not just get over the title of her blog? That's what first drew me to it! She's a real doll. She rescues dogs and shares these great pieces of her life with her readers. She was the first person to become one of my "followers" and that made me feel so loved! Check out her Christmas post. Such great ideas!
5. Blissfully Enamored - I clicked with this girl right away after she posted a recipe for Garlic Cheese Biscuits. I thought I'd died and gone to heaven! We started emailing and found out that we had a lot in common. She's so bubbly and sweet. She also does these "Favorite Things Friday" posts that shows me all of this really cool stuff that is out there for me to spend my hubby's hard earned cash on!
6. And lastly, to you! Thanks for stopping by my blog and seeing what I am up to. I appreciate every single comment and bit of love. Ya'll are so wonderful and I'm so excited each day to see what ya'll are up to. Thanks gals!
Thanks for visiting me and Congrats on your award! I kind of understand the sleeping with something on your feet thing - I have to have my feet covered with something - no socks though - no matter how hot it is. :)
My blog name has no real meaning. I just remember hearing it in some movie back in the 80's and I loved the name. I thought if I ever had an estate I would name it September Acres. I don't think that's in the stars so I thought it would be a fun blog name!
Have a great day
Haha, you are so funny. Thanks for telling more of the world about my parrot earrings. I belive I can unite all the former parrot earring wearers of the early 90's and we can stand tall and strong. (o:
Thanks for the award - I was given this previously by someone else too, but it's always fun to be recognized! Thanks!!! It's been fun getting to know you via blog too - I'm still looking forward to the craftiness you've been up to! Eagerly awaiting!!!
CONGRATS on your first award! I enjoyed reading those interesting things about you. So neat that you are going to start a pumpkin patch. You go girl!
Congratulations on the awards. It was fun to learn more about you, maybe you should have a tutorial on using mascara, I could definitely use the help :)
Hi Mandi, How is your trip so far? Did Shane get off OK? Right now my Mom and Dad took the pooches out for a walk to tire them out a little. It snowed a few centimeters here this evening. We noticed alot more houses have their christmas lights up. It is really starting to feel like christmas around here:)
Congratulations sweetheart!!!
Awesome for you....
Thank you, that was extremely valuable and interesting...I will be back again to read more on this topic.
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