Wednesday, January 14, 2009

A Quick Note and a Prayer Request

Hey ya'll! So sorry I've had a lack of posts as of the past few days. We've been essentially frozen in here in the Great White North. And when you don't have your own computer and have to go elsewhere to use one...well, let's just say that the warmth of my home had been calling my name. We are batteling temps in the range of -28 to -38. It's absolutely insane! Our door wouldn't even completely shut last night because the door frame was so warped with cold. That left for a very prayerful night as far as this chicka is concerned.

Anyways, just want to ask that ya'll would keep Shane and I in your prayers tomorrow. We are heading to PA for the weekend. The drive is about 8 hours and I'm exctrememly nervous about the highways. All of the roads we drive are highways and some are 4 lanes (on one side). This cold snap has made the roads as slick as you wouldn't believe. (I drove by three accidents alone tonight.) I'm super nervous! Please pray for our safety. Thanks so much friends!

One final note, I will be catching up with blogging this weekend. Can't wait to read all your posts and catch up what is going on with ya'll. I am hoping to tinker with the look of my blog as well this weekend...and will perhaps have a whole new name to go along with it! We'll just see how this weekend unfolds.

Love ya'll and thanks so much for being patient wiht this crazy girl. Love you all!! -Mandi


Anonymous said...

Hey girlie! Have a very safe trip! You're in our prayers. And keep warm in those temps! You are a strong chick because that is insane cold!

Tracey said...

I love the name of your blog... but we all have to tinker a little.. I'll be doing that soon. My prayers are with you and your husband Mandi. Know that the Lord is traveling with you and all will be fine. Blessings to you and your family and have a wonderful time.

Gratitude Gal said...

Prayers for your safe trip! The good thing about highways seems to be they are the first thing that gets cleared of by plows and salt. Take an extra fluffy blanket and be sure to have some hot chocolate.
Look for you on the weekend.

Mandi Shandi said...

Mandi, Be safe and enjoy yourself. Living in the south I have never experienced temps like that, and can't say I would want to. I hope you have a great weekend!

p.s. How is WW going?

Anonymous said...

-28 to -38...that's crazy!!!! And here I am complaining about the 10degrees it is here today.

God, please protect my friend as she and her man travel this weekend. Be with the other drivers they will encounter and just keep them safe Lord. Bless their time w/family and friends. Surround their vehicle with Your hedge of protection. Amen.

Have fun girlfriend!

Jennifer Owens said...

Have a safe trip! I'd be nervous too. Stay warm! (o:

~ Lisa @ AbidingThere~ said...

I'll pray for safe travels - you let us know you've arrived safely :)

Amanda@Imperfectly Beautiful said...

Oh girl! I hope you got there safely. Let us know you made it safe and sound! Have a wonderful weekend.


Barb said...

Mandi, prayers for a safe journey to PA for you and your hubby! As I am also a PA gal I can tell you it is very cold here too, but not the temps that you are experiencing right now in Canada! Thinking about you as you travel ~ where in PA will you be heading!

Becky@Beyond The Picket Fence said...

I am praying for you. I've lived in Montana for 26 years and I am still hate driving in the winter. I like to picture God's hand on top of my car guiding it.

Debra said...

Prayers for you and your hubby that you arrived in PA safe and sound. I know you will happy when spring is here.

I joined weight watchers last week,too. So far so good. I don't know if I'll blog about my progress or not. We'll see..

Buzzings of a Queen Bee! said...

I just said a prayer for your safe travel!! I hope your trip goes well, and stay WARM (or as warm as you can)!

Mandi Shandi said...

How is the weekend going? Still doing ok on WW?

~ Lisa @ AbidingThere~ said...

Definitely gotcha covered with prayer for safe travel home tomorrow :)

the undomesticated wife said...

Now that's cold! Stay warm, and have a safe trip!

Stephanie said...

Ugh!! The roads are horrid when the snow never stops (or does stop.. then melts.. then freezes) but you know what is worse?! The drivers who are less than dandy at driving!!!
Safe travels!

Jill -Forever and Ever House said...

I hope that you arrived at your destination in one piece. Don't you just love winter?

Elie said...

Geez, I thought we were cold!! Wow. I hope you had safe travels!

Thrifty Decor Chick said...

Sorry, I didn't realize my sis's Google account was logged in! That was me under Elie. ;)


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