As of right now, all home projects are on hold - including our laundry room. Shane will install the machines (can you believe we have had them for almost 2 months and they still aren't installed?!) and we will wait to see about demo-ing the rest of the room.
I'm going to give myself a bit of a blogging break for a week or two just until we get a better sense of what is going on. As our family manager, I'm kicking into over drive and really want to secure our home while we have an income coming in. Thankfully, we have been really blessed because Shane has been working a lot of overtime lately. Tomorrow will be his last day of it though.
Thanks so much for your patience ya'll! I know that there are still installments of the Kitchen Organization series I have left to do and projects I want to share. But for right now, I need to take care of my family. Maybe I'm being more dramatic than I need to be but I don't want to take any chances. I want to thank all my new followers as of late. Thanks so much ya'll!! It means so much that you are following me on this journey called life. I promise to be back soon with more bloggin'! And you'll definatly see me around commenting and such, reading blogs totally relaxes me! Take care, ya'll. I'll be praying for you and will keep you posted as to what is going on. Love you!
And, P.S. I wanted to tell you something that I do to make my housework a bit more enjoyable. I have downloaded podcasts onto my ipod and while doing dishes or sweeping, I listen to them. I've recently come across a website called OnePlace that offers Christian podcasts. There are some from popular authors like Kay Arthur and Lisa Lysa TerKeurst of Proverbs 31 Ministries. I also like to listen to Homemakers By Choice. These help me get through my day. Love to listen. And if you don't have an ipod, OnePlace also has other devices where you can listen online. Let me know if you take a listen!

Thanks for dropping by my blog & leaving a comment. I will keep you in our prayers. My husband & I have been going through a similar situation. Hang in there.
I am a new follower. I will keep you, your family, and your husband's coworkers in my prayers. God is in control!
I am keeping you and your hubby in my thoughts and prayers. Trust in the Lord with all your might...
Things will always work out, even in the worst of situations! I was laid off back in November and still haven't been able to find a job, but we are doing well. So if (heaven forbid) something happens, then God will take care of you! ((hugs))
Mandi, you know that my prayers are with you and your husband, along with the other families. We have the same issues here in the states as you probably know. You take the time you need for you family and don't worry,, we'll all be right here waiting for your return with good news and a refreshed mind..blessings to you my friend and know you will be on my prayer list!
Will be praying for you guys, Mandi. Looking forward to hearing from you with good news soon. I completely understand your desire to be quiet for a while and snuggle up with your Father while you ride out the bumps. We'll still be here when you get back. xoxo
wow, it sounds like a lot is going on. you are in my prayers. keep me posted.
Oh dear! You'll be in my prayers. Heavenly Father sees the bigger picture. We just have to have faith, and know that where ever He's taking us, we'll have the umph to get through it.
Let us know how it all works out,and if there is anything you might need.
We always have to remember that our Heavenly Father is in control.
When we lost our home we packed up moved to Vegas and discovered better jobs and a home too.
Continue to have faith.
Praying, Mandi. He will take care of you.
I am praying! Please let me know how things turn out. Remember, He's got your name written on His hand and He will provide.
Prayers happening for you and hubby, other employees and also for the company that is needing to carry the burden of the possible layoff! It is in God's eye, and His love will sustain you! God has a plan, in His time but not always in our desired time! Psalms 27:14 (my favorite scripture, I share with you)! ((Hugs)) and good thoughts to you Mandi, keep the Faith!
Mandi, I will pray for you! Hang in there...things are really difficult right now with the Economy. Believe me, we're feeling it too!
Be encouraged today, Mandi! God is SO faithful and will definitely take care of you & your husband, no matter the circumstances! Keep the faith and I'll be praying for you guys :)
Happy Monday!
~Michelle :)
Lots of good thoughts! Layoffs are so scary!
Praying that everything is ok with yall....
I'll pray for you, and I love all of the podcasts you mentioned. They are wonderful, and so are you!
I just said a prayer for you and for your hubby! Be sure to keep us posted on the job situation. No fun! And you take as much time off as you need girl! :)
Keeping you and your hubby in our prayers. Lets light a candle together at the Church of the Holy Sepulcher at God bless.
Prayers indeed work wonders, I've always believed in them as well. I will include your family in my prayers and I hope everything turns out okay. Just be strong and have faith, these obstacles will not be thrown your way if you will not be able to handle it. This is an opportunity to be stronger as a family, to be closer, and to work together :)
Just found you today and find it so odd how similar we are. I am preparing to marry my American fiance (I am from Ontario) because I cannot get a job in the States and am so nervous about all of the work and time and money that goes into my work status and greencard. We should chat and be blogging friends :) Saying a prayer for you!!
Found you on SITS and couldn't resist visiting when I saw your profile name. I married my Canadian hubby 14 years ago and remember waiting for my permanent residency status to come through (we live in the U.S. now).
Good luck with the job. Even when these things don't go the way we want them to, they work out according to God's plan, which always turns out to be better than what we had planned!
I hope and pray that everything is going well!
I love your attitude toward prayer and I agree with you fully! Praise the Lord!
Sending nothing but positive thoughts your way.
Thanks Mandi for stopping by and commenting on my blog! I seriously had paint EVERYWHERE...somehow on my face too. SAD! Love your blog! adorable! I think I'll have to become a new follower of finding home:)
Thinking about you, Mandi. How are things going?
Hi there! Thanks for the sweet comment. How are things going there? Hope all is well now. Take care~
Had to drop by again and let you know that I miss you and hope all is well. Remember, when times are tough, it's time to draw closer to God to help him lead and take care of you and your family. Continued prayers...big hugs too!!
Hi, Mandi :) I just wanted to let you know I'm thinking about you and missing your posts. You guys are in my prayers. xo
Hey girl. I was just thinking about you and missing your posts. I hope all is well with you. Just wanted you to know I was thinking of you. Take care.
I was just checking in to see if there was any word about the job situation. Hope all is well.
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