I'm hooking up with Kimba's DIY party!
It's no secret that I love pumpkins. In fact, some of you may remember how I wanted to plant a pumpkin patch this past spring. Unfortunatly, we are sort of renovating our backyard and just finished building a giant dog kennel/shed so a patch this year was out of the question. Next year, for sure.
So in the meantime, I whipped up some of my own "home-grown pumpkins" and for good measure, some candy corn.
Here's how I did it:
You'll Need:
Muslin or a white-ish cloth
Paint: Orange, Yellow, White, Brown, and maybe a touch of black to shabby-up your items
Foam Brushes
Sewing Machine or Needle and Thread
Batting or Fluff
I began by drawing my templates for my pumpkins and corn. I just free-handed everything and didn't worry about anything being "perfect". In fact, for me, the wonkier, the better. Hey, real pumpkins are always a little wonky, aren't they?
Double up your fabric and trace around your pattern. I used a Sharpie because a pencil was taking way to long for my impatient self. I'd use something lighter next time - maybe a pen using a light hand.
Cut out your pieces.
Pin everyone together .
Sew around your pieces. I tried to leave a 1/4-inch seam allowance. You don't want your stitches too close to the edge of the fabric or when you stuff it you may break your seam. Not speaking from experience or anything.
Remember to leave an inch or so of an opening to stuff your batting in.
Turn your shapes inside out once they are sewn together. Use the end of a pencil or a small dowel rod to poke out the corners.
I used fluff from an old pillow.
Sew up the opening where you stuffed your pumpkins. I used a low melt glue gun. Hand stitching at 11 o'clock pm was just too much for me.
Paint 'em up! Use your creativity. This was the best part of the whole project for me.
Ta da!
I'm thinking I might want to shabby them up a bit by adding a bit of brown paint smudged here and there. I'm kinda dirty like that. But for now I'm basking in the fact that they look so new and cute.

Let me know if you make any! They really are fun little guys.
Hey gal...thanks for stopping by my blog...rehabbing Bessie...
I particularly like your candy corn...yum!
Cute! Great project, thanks for sharing!
Those are so cute! Good party project!
I love me some fall projects! Awesome, these are so cute! I so wish I could sew! Great job and thanks for the tutorial, maybe I can try them!
Mandi, what a great project. I love autumn so much. This looks fairly easy and quick. I'm all about instant gratification. Glad to see your back too!!
Such a cute project!! :) I am loving Fall this year with all the great projects I'm finding. Stopping by from Kimba's party. :)
I love them. I might need to commission your help/advice for a DIY project that I need to get going on ... I am just not as creative and/or talented as you.
How cute!
These are so cute!! You almost made me wish I would pick up sewing. Almost. (o:
You are so creative girl!
OK I am loving the candy corn! I am making a list for weekend shopping and crafting now...my husband thanks you. ;)
OMG how sweet!!
Those are so cute! Very creative!
So cute - i love the candy corn. I will put little happy faces on mine. The kids will be happy :) Thanks!
One of the cutest fall ideas ever. I am featuring this at somedaycrafts.blogspot.com. grab my 'featured' button.
Hey, Mandi! Darn it, I wish I could sew! Those are awesome!! Especially the candy corn. Love when you take something small and make it huge...especially with something that has so much nostalgia. You rock! They look so cute sitting in that crock. Thanks for sharing:)
Oh Mandi, are these ever ADORABLE!!! I think I'm gonna have to make some of these :)
Hope you enjoy a wonderful weekend!
~Michelle :)
Love your pumpkins and candy corn. Looks so easy! (If only I knew how to sew!)
I just saw this on someday crafts and had to stop by and tell you I love this project. I am planning on making some for my home.
SO cute! So simple!
So cute! Only August and am already gathering Halloween ideas, and that in a country where they dont even celebrate it that much!
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