Thursday, October 30, 2008

I Love Laundry Rooms

I love laundry rooms. I love laundry. Am I a weirdo? It all began a little over eight years ago when I was living in Pittsburgh after high school and was officially doing laundry on my own. I loved pouring the soap, sorting my clothes, folding them oh so neatly. And I still love it. We are lucky to have a whole room in our home that we have dedicated The Laundry Room. It also houses our fur-babies while they sleep and is generally an all-purpose laundry/cleaning/storage room. And I can't wait to redo it! What is stopping me you ask? My LOATHING of painting. I hate to do it. I hate hate hate to do it. I'm honestly just wanting to hire people but I can't afford that. But I want this room to be prettified.

There has been so much inspiration in blogland lately - people redoing their laundry rooms - that it's got my bug justa' itchin' to get my laundry room up to what I dream of it to be. So today, I'm sharing with you some laundry room inspiration. Here's to hoping that these pix inspire me enough to paint my room and you enough to love doing your laundry!


Angie said...

I love every single one of these laundry rooms! I have got to get me a pretty basket like in the first picture to put dirty clothes in instead of my ugly plastic one. I love pasta and am going to write down the recipe in Tuesday's post. I also saw your post about the dogs up for adoption and want to say thank you. I am TOTALLY against buying from a pet store because of puppy mills and all the thousands of animals euthanized every year just because they don't have a home. Adoption is truly the only option!!! I have looked at that Country Sampler issue in the store and it is awesome. I may have to go buy it because it has so many great ideas. I am also thinking about Christmas already. It's my favorite holiday! I am ready to put out my decorations, but am going to try to hold off for a few more weeks. Have a great day!

Shannon said...

I love laundry too and I would REALLY love it if my laundry room looked like ANY of those pictures. So pretty!

PS Thanks for the link! Her prints are beautiful!

Jennifer Owens said...

I have dreams of a laundry room!! Oh how I would love something even half as beautiful as those pictures!!!

And your'e not crazy - I LOVE doing laundry as well. It's my favorite household chore!

Genevieve said...

I must admit, I'm anal when it comes to laundry rooms. I've finally confessed.;)

Anonymous said...

Welp girlfriend, this is one major difference between us! I HATE laundry and always have! ;) My son is at a stage where he wants everything he's wearing each day to undies, red pants, red shirt, red socks. And he thinks that if it's even touched his body, it needs to be washed. His little hamper is overflowing as I type this w/clothes that were on him for mere seconds. Needless to say, I have tons of laundry and I loathe it!

But, I still love you...even if I think you're a tad crazy for your infatuation w/laundry! ;)

I'm hoping to get a post done this weekend sometime.

Holly Tried It said...

I can see why you are struggling to choose. They all look great.

Queenie Jeannie said...

Beautiful pictures!!!! But no way Jose, I HATE doing laundry! I love to paint though!!! Painting you only do a few times...laundry is every day. Blech!!

But I'll try to smile a bit while doing it...just for you, lol!


Chris said...

You and I share a passion for laundry rooms! Every single picture was spectacular!

Kim @ Home Is Where The Heart Is said...

Just wanted to say hello to a fellow Pennsylvanian!

I absolutely love laundry rooms, too! You've shared some great pictures.

ROXY said...

swooon! I'm dying for a perty laundry room!

Saucy said...

I love laundry rooms so much that I also love doing laundry... I know... weird. These are all amazing.

Unknown said...

I love having a laundry room in our apartment. It's a pleasure having it decorated. I actually love folding clothes in there.


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