Monday, November 03, 2008

This, That and the Next Thing

I had one giant wordy post going on but decided to save it for another day.

This is what I can say. Our truck has died. Dead as a doornail. And we have the opportunity to buy something new. Something that is an amazing deal. And tomorrow we have an appointment to apply for a loan. And I'd love your prayers. Please. Just a 5 second thing would be great.

I'd also like to add some pix but the CD drive is not reading my disk. Grr.

I just want to thank all you great gals out there who have stopped by my blog lately and shared about your love or loathe of laundry. I did some organizing of my laundry room this past weekend - it includes matching baskets. Still hating to paint...but determing that I will have every room in my house...okay maybe not the bathroom...done before the holidays. Oh my...I'm nervous.

Have a great Monday night ya'll. Remember to vote! My absentee ballot never came. I'm so so mad!! Can't wait to see who wins this thing! And if your guy doesn't win...come on up to live in Canada. It's pretty great here. :)


Shannon said...

Hey! Don't vote yet! :) We will vote tomorrow.

Chris said...

Just remember to show pictures of that laundry room when it's done. I was just over at Shannon's blog, and I noticed you voted for Dwight. I just had to comment that, once again, we are on the same wavelength! :)

Nicole said...

I have a brother n' law from Calgary, I think he would agree with you.

Anonymous said...

Oh, I'm so sorry to hear about your truck...that stinks! I've been praying you're able to get something worked out. Any luck yet?

I'm a little bummed that McCain/Palin didn't win. But I'm trying to remeber that it really doesn't matter who's in office...God is still in control and He'll do what He wants w/who we elect to "lead" our country. Canada does sound pretty good though! ;)

Thanks for your sweet words about my girl! She's pretty special and so very different than her crazy brother!

Oh, the thumb sucking is really going nowhere. I need to get him in to the dentist and find out exactly how much damage has been done. There's this thing call the thumb guard from One Step Ahead that I've been thinking about getting...but it's 80 bucks. I know he'll have to have braces and all that too. He just really loves his little thumb a lot! We've backed off some, but still call him on it if he's sucking it just randomly. I've told him that he can suck his thumb, but he has to do it in his bed. I even told him a few weeks ago that I'd pay him $20 if he quit...he didn't care. Thanks for asking!

Take care girlfriend! Has it started getting cold up there?


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