1. Our Den/Man Room/Roger Raglin Room (as we call it)
2. Our Laundry Room
3. Our Bathroom
Today I am going to show you the pix of my bathroom. Here are the befores. And when I say befores, I mean, watch out. Be afraid, be very afraid. This room is a total nightmare in my eyes. I once read a blogger complaining about her "builder beige" bathroom. And I almost wanted to scream 'I would love a builder beige bathroom! You don't know how good you've got it!' The great thing about having an out of date bathroom is the chance for a redo. And it all has to go. You'll see. We're talking all new fixtures, flooring, lighting, electrical, counters or removal of them and walls. That's the short list. You'll see.
The reason I can share this joy with you, is that yesterday Shane said that our next big project is fixing our bathroom. You'll see that truly it will be a total redo. I'm excited for the prospect of it all. Truly we may not be able to do it until the spring (we've got to save our pennys) but just that thought fuels me on!
So without further ado...here is our bathroom!
I am so sorry that this photo is on it's side. I tried to fix all of that before I printed my photo cd. Don't worry, you'll see close-ups. *evil laugh*
Our counter top and sink. Don't you just love the orange sink against the brown and yellow tiled wall? I think the beige sink just sets the tones off. *puke* Funny thing though, I had begged Shane to have cream, pink and brown towels for our home. This was about a year before we got married. He finally consented. My dreams were of rod-iron accessories, creamy walls and a light, airy feel to the space. Little did I know that those colors would soon be the bain of my existance but truly, match this room perfectly. Also note the FIXED soap dish and tooth brush holder peices GLUED to the wall above the sink. Ugh.
Say hello to my little friend. Yeah right. A pink toilet with a mismatched/broken lid. Oh it's awful people. I can't wait for this beast to go. He's given us so many problems. For instance, when my family came to visit (4 guests in our home for the weekend), the toilet handle decides to FALL OFF. It broke! No flushing possibilities. Oh minus the fact that you had to reach your hand in the tank to pull that goofy chain. Thankfully hubby quickly got that taken care of. Again, note the FIXED pink towel bar above the toilet.
And finally, a close up of the tile that covers all four walls. It goes from tub to ceiling when it comes to our pink bathtub. This is all going to have to be removed. As well, our electric outlet doesn't really work in the bath and when it does, my blowdryer plug is just too big for the outlet that comes out of the light over the bathroom mirror. Make sense? Not to me either. I do my hair and makeup in my living room. Every. Day.
So there you have it my lovely friends. My bathroom. I am greatful that we have one...kind of. But will be so happy to have it redone. When I find some inspirational pix online, I'll be sure to post.
Have a great Fall day everyone! -Mandi
I can't wait to see your bathroom finished!!!! Wow...to get to do a whole redo!!! Exciting stuff!!! Post more as you check off your list!!!!
Oh, my! Your bathroom made me cringe and your dialogue made me smile...how's the progress so far? Would love to see the finished project! I'm sure your after shots will be awesome!
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